Chapter 5

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[Third Person-POV]

Alan:Here you have miss

Old Women:Thanks young man

Alan had given some food to a old women who had been affected due to (Y/N)'s attack

Alan:There are still many people,I can not believe how many people lost all their things

Brad:Just for that stupid (Y/N) we have to do this

Felix:He must be hiding from us, he has not been seen or mentioned about him lately

Alan:Yes but look on the bright side, if he comes to Beacon he will be defeated easily

Steven:That's true, he can not do anything against us, here you have

Steven gave Brad a box of food to a mother with three children

Brad:What a sad picture, why is (Y/N) alive, how did (Y/N) survive that?

In that Amy approached Alan with the JNR team at his side

Alan:Are you finished with your training?

Amy:Yes it is,news of the moron?

Brad:No, they have not said anything in the news

Ren:Really? I just heard from some students that they saw something flying towards Mistral

Amy:Mistral....there are our parents

Nora:Maybe it was just a bird or a Nevermore

Alan:It only had to be a bird ... Mistral is thousands of kilometers from here ... he can not...

Before Alan could finish speaking the scroll of all began to sound, Alan saw that it was a live news, in the news it was shown to Mistral totally destroyed


Reporter:Yes,we are flying over Mistral that is being destroyed by now called by all, God of Remnant

While the reporter was speaking,(Y/N) appeared

(Y/N):It is not very smart to come to this place

Reporter:W-We just want to ask you some questions, why are you doing this?

(Y/N):That is very easy to answer, I hope this goes to all Remnant because they are the culprits, all of you treated me as scum, as something that never should have been born and besides that thanks to you the beauty that this planet can give is being destroyed by you that's why I started with two other people The Zero Mortals Plan

Amy:W-What is this plan about?

(Y/N):I will answer you HeHeHe

Amy felt terrified at the thought that (Y/N) was hearing her

(Y/N):All the mortals that exist on this planet, galaxies and universes will die to create something more beautiful,Something without the presence of the parasites called humans,time is up

(Y/N) took the camarograph's camera

(Y/N):I will need this for something,goodbye KAMEHAME



(Y/N) created a Kamehameha and threw it to the helicopter,he destroyed the helicopter and then it went flying, the video showed (Y/N) flying over Mistral, all students and people were terrified to see how a kingdom to fall because of the gods

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