It was perfect. Better than Thomas had ever thought. Until Newt pulled away because they were both losing oxygen, but no way would Thomas pull away first. "I can confirm. That was fun." Newt said, sounding dazed and distant. Thomas only smiled.

Newt pecked his cheek once more. It probably meant nothing to him. Just something fun to do. Or maybe it did mean something. Maybe it meant everything.

And that was the problem.

The problem was, it was a world in Thomas's eyes. And it could be a galaxy or merely a star in Newts. And Newt's eyes were full of stars. Stars that together made a galaxy.

So he didn't know. Maybe Newt loved him, maybe not. Either way, the brunet could kiss him again. Hell, he could get used to it. But it would always mean everything.


"Yes, Tommy?"

"Do you really love me?"

"Of course. Why would I have done that if I didn't?"

Thomas didn't want to say why he thought. He didn't want to say that he thought he may just be a sick experiment to Newt. Some insane prank. Nothing he hasn't done before. So instead he said;

"Because I love you."

And neither of them spoke after that. Just sweet silence. But it was beautiful, especially when he ended up with Newt's arm around his waist, and his around Newt's shoulder. Damn, Newtie was tall. He seemed about 6'. Thomas was a mere 5'8. He had nothing on the blond.


The silence was broken. But he didn't say, Tommy, no, he used his full name. It must be important. "Yeah?"

"What are we now?"

"I'd say we're boyfriends."


Teresa was pissed.

Thomas had invited her and Minho to his place after school, mainly to explain his new situation. He decided to tell them during a game of Mario Kart, one that he was losing miserably at. It seemed like a great time at the moment. Not anymore.

He said that he and Newt had kissed, and Tessa was not happy. But then he got to the boyfriends part. And she lost it. She was crying now. Mumbling, something about it not supposed to happen this way. Minho was by her side, rubbing her back, telling her it's okay, that nothing bad had happened.

Thomas didn't understand what the big deal was? He got a boyfriend, so what? Unless... Teresa had a crush on him before Newts letters? Now he just felt bad.

"Shhh... Tess, it's okay. I know, it's fine." Minho cooed, trying to calm the now hysterical girl. There was no bringing her back now. Not until she had it out of her system.

Now Thomas was crying, yelling at the top of his lungs. "I'm sorry!"

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. His throat hurt. He didn't think a kiss would mean this much. Not to someone like Teresa.

She was always so calm and collected. Thomas didn't know where that Teresa was now. She was now where this Teresa normally lies. Trapped under layers of reapplied mascara, and red lip gloss smiles. No one cared to look past that. She was beautiful, so what was there to be sad about... right?

Screaming. Crying. It hurt to hear. All his fault. Until Teresa screamed his name, biting her lip afterwards, trying to gain composure. "Th-Thomas.."

He raised his head to her. "Yeah..?"

"I'm sorry, Tom. I didn't mean to freak out like that. I-it's just, I—" a sob.

"You what?"

"Nothing." She snapped. Now angry. Her moods changed too fast to keep up sometimes. Now was one of those times. Thomas didn't want to push her at the minute, so he just nodded.

And that was that. They went on with Mario Kart, pretending as if nothing happened, though that sick twisted feeling never left Thomas's stomach.

  ˖*°*  . 
Chapter by @univerxseNewtmas

Hiii! This was a really early update, but I got excited and wrote a whole 1200 some word chapter in half an hour, soooo 😅 anyway! There was a lot of tea spilt this chapter, so yep.
Just gonna promo here, but you can also find me on Tellonym, @ UniverseNewt, and instagram @ UniverxseNewt! So, that's it! Hope you like the chapter! 💓

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