2 - 2 : Daily Life

Start from the beginning

"I wanted everyone to be present. You will also notice that Hisoka Yuuto is here as well." Tamotsu pointed behind Fuyutake, where I saw the boy in question immediately freeze up.

"The two untrustworthy ones." Alastor leaned back on his chair, "this is a turn of events."

"If nobody wants me here, I'll leave." Fuyutake stood so abruptly the chair squealed across the floor and almost fell.

"No...wait." Kyung stood as well, "please do not leave."

"You're on her side?" Seiichi asked, dejected.

"She is...a victim of knowledge." Rei whispered.

"Rei too?" Seiichi asked.

"It's expected." A voice suddenly called. Michi walked up to the end of the table, "Exchangey and ghost girl trust the one who helped kill a friend. Luckily for everyone here, I'm on your side." He scoffed.

"Don't call her exchangey." Rouko stood up now.

"We need...trust." Rei said.

"Trust doesn't help when your friend almost killed us all." Seiichi accused.

"She just told me about it. I had no part." Fuyutake put her hands up in surrender.

"You agreed to keep the secret." Seiichi replied. Without waiting for an answer, he left the room, slamming the door behind him.

Fuyutake didn't try to fight back. She looked around at us all, sighed, and grabbed her plate, walking into the kitchen.

"Tensions are running high. Unless we calm them, something's bound to happen." Alastor said, "I'd hate to see what."

Silence reigned through the room for a moment as everyone digested his words.

And then, everyone began to leave.

It started with Hisoka, who almost ran out the door, the hood on his jumper up and his shoulders squared. Following him were Michi, Yuudai, and Aimi. Rouko and Kyung were next, and after that everyone seemed to form a group and left together, until it was only me.

A moment later, I heard the kitchen door swing open, rushed footsteps moving through the room and then the cafeteria door slamming heavily.

What a mess.

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

"Attention kiddos! It is now 7am, which means you hafta get your butts out of bed! I've got a surprise for you in the Hall, so make sure you get here as fast as possible~!"

How had I ended up back in my room?
I groaned and sat up, running my hands through my hair.
After sitting there for much too long, I finally decided to get up. As soon as I walked into the living room area, I was shocked into alertness.
There was something sitting on the table. Frowning, I picked it up.

It was another wrapped present, a note attached to the front.

Congratulations for surviving the first class trial! Here's your very valuable, much desired, gift!

I pulled the note off and shook the box. Whatever was inside was heavy, and sounded oddly like clinking metal.

I had a sneaking suspicion of what it was.
I unwrapped the box and opened it and, sure enough, another pile of Monocoins was inside.

How useless.

I dropped the box on the ground and got changed, not really caring about the coins spilled over the floor.
As soon as I was ready, I left the room, making my way to the hall.

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