P - 1 : Strange Beginnings

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"Hey!"  A voice called, "Hey, are you here?" 
"Are you even awake?"  The voice came closer to me and I immediately pulled away from it, annoyed.
And I felt my head drop off the desk.

"Gyagh-!"  I hit the ground hard, groaning. 

Slowly, I opened my eyes and found myself face-down on hardwood flooring.  I waited for the voice to come back, to scold me for sleeping in class, but when nothing came I decided it was safe to push myself upwards and look around.
There was no way I was coming back from falling off my desk in the middle of class.  Surely I would be the laughing stock of the school.
Slowly, I shifted onto my knees, lifting my head.
And I gasped.
I was on the floor of an unfamiliar room with blank white walls and a wooden bed with matching white sheets on it.  A desk sat in front of me, pressed against the wall with a swivel chair spun halfway round.

"What the-"  I jumped up, suddenly on edge.

Where was this?

The top of the desk held a keyring and a small box, neatly wrapped in black and white wrapping paper. 
Heart beating fast, I moved to the desk as quietly as I could and grabbed the keyring, pushing a key between my knuckles as a weapon in case of attack. 
How did I go from sleeping in class to waking up here?
I peered around the corner of the bedroom I was in, but to my surprise, I couldn't see anyone in the next room.
Where had that voice come from?
Slowly, I stepped around the corner.
A small living space was set up in front of me.  A low glass coffee table sat in front of a white couch, a small vase with a fake flower placed onto the table.  Next to the couch was a wardrobe with sliding doors, unopened and silent.
In a small alcove next to the wardrobe was two doors.  One had a nice frosted glass covering it, and the other had a peephole.  I decided to look at the frosted glass door first.
When I opened it, the first thing I saw was my own face staring at me from a mirror, confused and with messy hair.
I stepped inside and leant forward, fixing my hair and rubbing my eyes.  Finally, I looked at myself again.
This is me.

Asahi Seiko, the Ultimate Parkour Expert.

My white hair shot out in different awkward directions, but it was the best I could get it to look.  Dark purple eyes stared out from a pale face, my uniform slightly rumpled but not terrible-looking. 

I glanced around the room.  It had all the basics.  A shower, toilet and sink.
Not seeing anything of particular interest, I left the room, closing the door behind me.
I looked upwards, and noticed how tall the ceilings were. 
I also noticed something strange. 
Frowning, I moved closer to the strange object, trying to make sense of what I was seeing.
A security camera?!
What was a camera doing in my room?
A shiver ran down my spine.  Was I being watched? 
The lens of the camera stared at me silently, offering no answer.
Slowly, I backed away from it, my shoulders squared.  Something was off here.  Something was definitely off.
I tried to think back to how I could have found myself in a strange room, but my memories were fuzzy.  The last thing I remembered was falling asleep in class...

"Oh!"  I uttered the word out loud, making myself jump. 

They had said something about tests before I fell asleep that day.  To assure we truly were the Ultimates in our chosen talent. 
But why would they wake us up in a random room?  This place had nothing to do with my talent! 
I ran my hands through my hair in frustration, shaking my head. 
A hostage situation?  If it was, it was a comfortable one.
Tests?  I couldn't perform my talent in a bedroom!
The dorm rooms.  Future's Hope had all its Ultimate students move into dorm rooms at the beginning of the year.  That must have been it.  The last thing I remembered was a teacher speaking about the tests.  I had performed the test, and passed, and therefore I had been taken to my dorm room to be fully accepted into Future's Hope!
I clapped my hands together happily. 
That must be it!
With a new boost of confidence, I strolled to the front door of my dorm room and twisted the handle, yanking the door open.

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