Saihara Shuichi (Log 1, Chapter 3; Part 2)

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Shuichi looks around nervously for a sign of familiar purple, wayward hair and long, wild blonde locks. He offers to bring breakfast for the inventor and the leader, and thanks to his timid personality, no one questions a thing. Miu hadn't gone to breakfast for three days in a row, and it'd be a stupid plot line if someone just up and died of starvation.

He reaches the computer room, prepared to just leave the tray at the bottom of the supercomputer before Miu bursts out from behind the computer, smiling in what looked like smug pride. "Hey, hey Suchara-"

He balked. That was a new one.

"-this fucking beautiful girl genius found out all the mastermind's secrets-!"

No way. No fucking way she would've found out all his secrets if she's just spewing this all out to him. He leaned forward, just a little bit interested to see if she actually found something on him. She grabs his shoulders and stares him in the eyes. "I know you have the hots for him, but you gotta keep it in, 'kay? Ouma's gonna kill you to hell n' back. I mean, how narcissistic can he be if he has himself saved as his wallpaper?" She kyahaha's and leans back, obviously satisfied with herself.


He turns pink, in slight embarrassment. He forgot to change the wallpaper. He forgot to change the wallpaper and thank god Miu isn't very good at tactical thinking. Miu notices the detective's blush and gawps for a whole second before raising up a shaking finger. "D-don't tell m-me...are you getting off to this? " She starts sweating slightly and blushing, looking off to the side. "Y-you can l-let it all out at m-m-me.." Shuichi flushes. That..that wasn't what he was insinuating.

He'll just..pretend he didn't hear that.

"Well..thank you for confiding in me, Iruma-san. I promise I'll be careful around Ouma-kun." He takes the second breakfast tray and leaves Iruma alone.


Ouma stretches himself awake, reaching for his scarf and taking out one of his uniforms. It takes a while to button up everything he has on, and he pauses a bit before continuing. A knock on his door begins just before he puts on his scarf, and he opens the door, just slightly, to see who's out there.

Shuichi notices the vibrant violet eyes that study him though the crack of the door, and he smiles.

Kokichi has to shut the door for five seconds because goddamn -

"Saihara-chan? A bit too early to hang out with me, y'know? I only come out this early for interesting people." A small laugh, and Shuichi's slowly pushing the door open with one hand as he replies, "Sorry, Ouma-kun. It's just me." Ouma's quiet for a moment, and Shuichi successfully enters. "Would you like some breakfast?" Kokichi snaps out of it and smiles up at him. "Only if you eat it with me!" They sit the tray full of food on the bed, and Kokichi sits across from him, smiling innocently.

Shuichi backs up, waving his hands around complacently. "A-ah no, Ouma-kun; I already ate, this is for you-" Kokichi whined, having the need to act as annoying as he could. "But what if it's poisoned? I don't wanna die alone!" Without warning, he takes a spoon and shoved some natto into the detective's mouth, then takes a bite for himself.


"There!" He grins, swallowing the food as Shuichi did the same. "Now we'll die together!" Shuichi is surprised for a moment before he laughs quietly and takes a dumpling for himself, slowly relaxing on the bed. A cool dumpling is pushed to Kokichi's lips, and the leader blinks in surprise before opening his mouth obediently. As soon as he finishes chewing, he cheers and makes to return the favor, "Here! Think of it as a gift from a supreme leader! I make all the stops, y'know?"

They end up taking turns feeding each other.


Gonta's lost so many friends. He'd never really gotten the chance to actually have friends, save for the woodland animals he'd been fond of petting. He was always too dumb, too scary, too strange.

Shuichi said Gonta was gentle.

Kokichi said Gonta was his friend.

Himiko said Gonta was warm.

Miu said Gonta was large.

Maki said Gonta was Gonta.

Kaito said Gonta was good.

Tsumugi said Gonta was sweet.

Kiibo said Gonta was kind.

Gonta had never been complimented before. For the first time since he left his family, Gonta was happy. So..if Gonta could help in any way, if Gonta could do anything for his friends, Gonta would.

Gonta would do everything.


A while later, after continuous prompting, and Miu's insistent ringing on all their doorbells, all of the remaining ultimates move to the computer room, most arriving in pairs while others came alone. Kokichi nuzzles Shuichi's arm for a moment before stepping away and letting the detective enter by himself. Shuichi adopts a politely confused look at Miu, whose hands are on her hips and moving around, seeming a bit nervous.

"Don't be depressed just cuz you didn't get to spend any alone time with me!" Miu starts off, and already Shuichi regrets his decision to arrive here. He spurs on the conversation anyway.

"..Do I look "depressed'' to you?" Tsumugi added, "There's no way we wouldn't show up when we were told there's a chance to escape." Himiko looked away, playing with a strand of hair. "But I still think it smells fishy..."

Kokichi begins his usual teasing. "Really? Doesn't it smell like something fun is gonna happen instead?" Kaito is irrelevant, but still speaks anyway. Even though Shuichi does treasure this time in the game, daily life, sometimes he'd just wish something would happen already. So he cuts off the rambling to say, " are we going to escape? Miu grins. "Well, we're goin' to another world, dumbass! A world without killing games or Monokuma!" That's..certainly ambitious. He acts accordingly.

"Another world?" Their words fade out for a moment. Then Kokichi speaks.

Miu bows.

The others agree to listen in.

Shuichi waits, occasionally adding in a few lines and talking with the others.

The minutes fly in a blur.

Word Count: 999 >:3c

Part three is the last of chapter 3! 

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