Tea Spell : Sweet Sweet Dreams

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This is a very easy tea recipe for better sleep and more vivid dreams.
You will need
-Crushed Bay Leaf
-Dried Rosemary
Place you leaves in a mug or container and pour your boiled water in. Let the tea steep until all the leaves are at the bottom. Once they are at the bottom strain the leaves out.
Sing a lullaby or incantation while stirring the honey clockwise.
Add cinnamon and vanilla to taste, or don't depending on your preference.
I also put milk in my tea bc it helps me calm down before I sleep.
And your done.
I personally love this recipe and it is apart of my nightly routine. It's also great for you Kitchen witches who are just starting out and don't know what to make. And just a tip: anything can be infused with Magick, it's all about intent and willpower.

 And just a tip: anything can be infused with Magick, it's all about intent and willpower

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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