My Grimoire

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Magick is in everything. Magick is the simple things that build and make miraculous things in this world. The world is made of only 5 elements and that's it. Everything is a complex combination of
Fire 🔥
Water 💧
Air 💨
Earth 🍁
The Spirit 🧠
These are the five points of a pentagram. With the Spirit being the top most.
Nonetheless magick is real. MY Magick is real. No I can't fly on a broom, no I can't change your eye color, and no I can't turn people into cats, but I can sure as hell make a tea that, even with the power of suggestion, can rid me of my anxieties for that "special occasion". I can pray to whatever being is out their to help me fight my insecurities and I can carve a sigil on my necklace so that even in my subconscious, I may be reminded of my power and my worth.
Magick is within me, it is within you, and it is with everything.
Blessed Be.

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