A Glitch in the C0de

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5 years later

-Third Person PoV-

A lot had changed since that fateful day when Sans tried to destroy himself and his own AU. The first thing to change was that, nobody could remember that his AU ever existed, like it had been pulled right out of time itself. And with nobody able to remember that AU, Sans had taken on a new name and identity, letting his old self crumble away just as his world did into the vast emptiness, he now went by the name C0de.

The time spent in the Void and then in the Abyss, drifting between existence, between the codes, had changed him drastically. The only thing that remained of his former life was his brothers scarf, but even that was not left untouched by corruption, darkness tainting the once scarlet fabric to a darker red and black.

C0de let out a sigh, his miss matched eyelights unfocused as he sat on a piece of shattered ground, like a rock drifting through space, his world had broken apart and now drifts between the codes as a shattered reminder of what it once was. Now, the once beautiful snow of his home was more like ash, and the sky was always black. No buildings remained, no life remained, it was just darkness.

-C0de's PoV-

"C0de I'm bored.... come on let's go have some fun!" The voice whined, that voice who I now called Zer0.

"No, last time I tried to go get some supplies you got in the way and I had to dust someone because of your idiocy" I responded in a bit of a snap.

"Hey at least you got that cool new coat... you look way better in it than he did anyways." Zer0 purred, smirking at me.

"I'll admit, I do like the trench coat... but I really don't appreciate you butting in randomly, it gives me a headache and then I have to clean up your mess afterwards." I said with a sigh.

"Awe I'm sorry... but he looked at me wrong!" Zer0 whined.

"I'm the only one who can see you idiot!" I barked, still in a bad mood from not managing to get any food on my last run through the multiverse.

"Whatever.... how about this... I know you must be soooo hungry right now... so here's the deal, either you give me control so you don't feel hungry for a bit, or you go out to one of those stupid AUs and get yourself something to eat..." Zer0 said with a dark sharp toothed grin.

"I'm not hungry... I'll be fi-" "don't even try kidding yourself C0de. I'll admit you've been hiding your hunger pains well, but you can't just avoid eating forever." Zer0 interrupted. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right, it felt like my magic was starting to eat away at itself from lack of sustenance.

"Why are you so scared anyways? Is it because you almost had a run in with that Ink fella a month or so ago?" Zer0 continued with a dark smirk.

I let out an exasperated sigh, pretty much too tired to even argue with him anymore. Standing up I could basically hear Zer0's triumphant smirk as I opened the codes to see what AU I should go about stealing from and what ones I need to avoid.

Yes there are some AUs I need to avoid, namely any AUs that Ink or Error are currently in, as well as avoiding Reapertale. I might be good with codes, but I'm not stupid nor insane enough to think I could hold my own against a god for even a second, even if I was technically a glitch in the system. Other AUs that I avoided were Dreamtale, for obvious reasons, Underlust, because frankly I don't really feel like being harassed every 5 feet, and the original Undertale, no need to go messing with that AU or its code.

After checking the codes thoroughly, I decided on going to Mafiatale, at least there I wouldn't stick out too bad. Still it would be in my best interest to try to stay under the radar.

Before leaving I double checked that I had my glitching under complete control and that none of my coding script would show, finally I did my best to wipe off any dust left on my coat before jumping though my portal into Mafiatale.

Landing with a slight thump sound as my black combat boots hit the ground, I was quick to make sure I was hidden in the shadows of the alleyway that I had landed in. Don't need some random passerby having a panic attack from my sudden appearance.

Taking a deep breath to steady my thumping Soul, I stepped out onto the sidewalk and made my way through the crowded street, carefully and stealthily picking a few pockets and nabbing some cash that I could use to buy food. I didn't want to stay too long in this AU, as you never know when a shooting would break out, so once I had enough money I slipped into an alley and teleported to Underfell.

There was a good reason that I decided on going to Underfell rather than somewhere nicer, firstly being that the more friendly AUs mean I have more of a chance of getting stopped, especially with how I look. Most of my clothing still has dried blood and dust on it after all. Secondly, the monsters of Underfell respect those who look dangerous and those who have scars, which I have plenty of. So the only monster I'd really worry about confronting me is this universes Sans and more likely his Papyrus.

Once I got into Underfell I got quite the few stares accompanied by some growls and murmurs. However they were quickly silenced whenever I made eye contact, for whatever reason my stare, and my presence seems to scare or unnerve others when I pull my 'fuck off' expression.

Quickly entering the shop I made sure to get what I needed as quickly as I could, paying and stepping out, I opened a portal to my 'home' and set the bags down on the other side before closing it. I started to walk, still having a bit of money left over I thought of maybe buying some less essential things when I heard two voices that made me pause.

"Hey who are you?" Shit shit shit shit. I looked over my shoulder before turning around slowly to see Underfell Sans and Underfell Papyrus, or Red and Edge as I refer to them, not that I've ever really talked to them.

"Oh this will be fun! Come on C0de let's play a little" Zer0 giggled.

"Fuck off" I hissed out in a whisper.

"The fuck did you just say to me!?" Red asked angrily.

"Shit" I said softly as Red stomped up to me with a nasty scowl on his face.

That's all I have for now, if you see any spelling mistakes or have any suggestions feel free to leave a comment. Thank you!

-Equanox 🐉💙

1189 words!

C0deta1e an Undertale AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu