Chapter Two: And This Is?

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The raven-haired vampire picked up the girl's (petite/cubby/plush) form and began to make his way back to where the other two vampires would be waiting for him. The male's red eyes were glancing around him before landing on the (h/c) in his arms, she was far different than the other humans he had seen before. There was something about her that was telling him not to kill her at that moment. There was almost something really familiar about her and it led him to feel like he should keep her alive and just bring her to the prince of the vampires, and that was exactly what he was going to do. The male reached back to the field of flowers with the girl in his arms, in the field, his two comrades stood next to one another waiting for his return.

"Kuro, jou took too long. Vho is zhat?" The blonde was first to speak, his violet eyes looking at the girl in Kuro's arm in confusion.

"There is something about her that is telling me to take her with us. She's familiar, Lutz. Kuro began the walk back in the direction of the castle.

"I don't see vhat jou're talking about." The blonde, now known as Lutz, followed behind Kuro.

"Lutz, it's best zhat ve just go vith it. Ve already killed zhe ozher humans." The white-haired male finally spoke up as he walked behind the other two.

"Ja ja, Gilen." Lutz rolled his eyes and allowed the three of them to continue the walk in silence.

Gilen was confused about what Kuro saw in the girl, but now that she was closer, Gilen was starting to understanding what he was talking about. The girl's (s/t) skin, long, (h/c) hair and (petite/chubby/form) seemed to remind him of someone he might've met before. It was a bit irritating at the thought of her being familiar but unable to tell where exactly he had seen her before. Lutz was in the same boat as Gilen, trying to figure out where he had seen the girl before. They had no idea where the girl had come from, other than the fact that she was a human, and they all had no idea what she reminded them of.

The three of them slowly appeared in front of the large wall of the vampire community. The wall towered over them, casting a slight shadow on the ground even though it was night. In the middle of the wall, was a pair of large metal doors. The doors were covered in small designs and were just as tall as the walls. Gilen took a step forward and knocked three times on the doors, taking a step back as he waited for the doors to open. There was a moment of nothing happening before the doors opened slowly with a loud creak. Kuro was the first to walk through the doors, carrying the (h/c) in his arms as he made his way down the cobblestone road. The vampire guards on the other side were able to recognize the three of them and allowed them to continue their walk towards the castle. The girl in his arms moved a bit, causing the other vampires around to look down at her, but Kuro continued to walk as the girl fell limp once again.

The walk took a little over thirty minutes to get to the castle, but once the midnight black gates were in view, the three of them began to pick up their speed. Kuro walked into the gates, looking at one of the guards to show his status before continuing his trek to the castle doors. Lutz walked passed Kuro to open the doors of the castle first, Kuro just rolled his eyes and continued his brisk steps into the large mansion-like castle. Around the mansion, the maids and butlers were running around and trying to make sure that everything was in order, but many of them were glancing at Kuro in confusion at the sight of him carrying the girl.

"Get Prince Luciano to go to his throne room, tell him that it is urgent." Kuro glanced at the butler next to the throne room doors and waltzed into the room as the human butler took off running.

Kuro stepped over to the small love seat on the side of the room and laid the girl down on the couch before cracking his back from carrying her. It wasn't that she was heavy, it was the fact that he had to chase her down as he did. Kuro loved a good chase, but this human girl gave him a bit more of a problem than the others before her. Kuro sighed a bit and crossed his arms across his chest as he waited. Just as Kuro was about to demand someone to hurry up and tell him, the doors swung open and in walked the prince.

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