Chapter Sixty-Nine: A Life Changing Decision

Start from the beginning

Jazmin-.....It's getting late...Why don't you stay?

Miles- *Clears Throat....Um here?

Jazmin- Yes silly where else?..Or do you have somewhere else to spend the night?

Miles- Um no I don't...I was actually going to check in a motel...I didn't want to bother Jean & Amy..

Jazmin- Nonsense...Spend the night here at our home...I wouldn't mind your company right now.

Miles- *Smiles....I can't say no to you.

Rose- Hey sweetie sorry to interrupt..But we are leaving...Aquamarine fell asleep..

John- If you need anything my little boxer let us know okay?..We are only one call away.

Jazmin- Thanks Guys...But I'll be alright...Miles will be staying over to keep me company..

John- *Raises Eyebrow....I see...Well you make sure to leave the sofa comfortable enough for him okay?

Rose- John...

John- What?...I don't want him to get any ideas...

Jazmin- Dad!....(And here I thought those embarrassing moments were done as I grew older)

Miles- *Chuckles...Don't worry Mr. John..I'll respect her home.

I waved my parents goodbye and got back inside the house. Miles and I decided to have a few drinks of wine before calling it a night. I needed the relaxation to calm my nerves down. After the incident with Aquamarine earlier I had my emotions all over the place. We were just heading out to look for them. When they came running inside the house frantically trying to catch their breath. I didn't even give Marine a chance to explain herself. The first mother instinct I got was to immediately wrap my arms around her. I was worried to death thinking something could've happened to them. I now know the headaches & heartaches I made my mother go through when I had left that one time with Zane. I could only imagine how torn she must've felt. I had disappointed her just like I felt over Aquamarine earlier.

Miles- What are you thinking about?

Jazmin-....The many things I did back then...How it must've affected my mother..I'm glad Aqua isn't half as wild as I was..

Miles- *Smirks...I'm sure you still have that wild side somewhere sleeping inside you...

Jazmin- Oh no trust me..That Jazmin is long gone...The only time you'll get to see my wild crazy side is if anyone were to mess with my child...Otherwise I'm almost an angel..*Winks

Miles- Haha....Almost an angel huh?

Jazmin- *Smiles....So Miles...Earlier we didn't get to talk about anything else but Jake...I wanted to know how you been? It's been several years..

Miles- Four years in a half since the last time I saw you...but hey...Who's counting?

Jazmin- Well you look really fit and...*Clears Throat...Um handsome...(More like irresistibly sexy)...I guess the Marines kinda does that to you huh?

Miles- What are ya talking about?..I always looked handsome...*Smirks....I'm joking... I guess it does...Physical training is a requirement..

Jazmin- Any stories you want to share of your adventure?

Miles- Well I wouldn't call it an adventure..that kinda sounds fun and well..This was far from being fun and if you don't mind..I rather skip the Marine talk..

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