Chapter Sixty-Seven: Fateful Accident

Start from the beginning

Jazmin- It's okay Jake..I'm here..You're not alone..

Jake- You have no idea how hard it's been to continue on living with this massive guilt..

Jazmin- I can imagine..I don't know what I would do if I ever lost Aqua...I don't even want to think of the possibility...

Jake- I didn't get to meet my baby..but I fell in love with the thought of meeting him one day..I wanted to hold him..Teach him..Play ball with him..I wanted to do so much with him..But now...It's all gone and I'm the one to blame..Thanks to me he didn't get to see this world..He didn't get to live...

Jazmin- ..Please Stop..Don't say that..It was an argument that happened..Just like any other argument you've had with her before..How were you suppose to know something like this was going to happen?..Don't blame yourself..

Jake- I shouldn't have argued with her though!..Right now I could've been with my son!..I could've been able to hold him..Kiss him..Tell him how much I loved him and how I wasn't going to be like his grandfather...I was going to be there for him...I was going to be a great father...But I failed him..and myself.

Jazmin- Listen..Unexpected things happen in life sometimes and there is nothing we could do to change them...You will be a wonderful father to a child someday..This little angel would've been proud to be your son..I wasn't aware that you were going to have a little boy..

Jake- *Smiles...I was going to name him Ajax..the name of a strong warrior...One I know he would've turned out to be.

Aquamarine- Who's Ajax Uncle Jake?

Jazmin- Honey...Why don't you go put your shoes on and give me a private moment with uncle Jake?

Aquamarine- Okey Dokey...*Walks Away

Jake- You know..It's a bit weird..but whenever Aquamarine is around me I feel somewhat complete....In a strange way I see in her a lot of me...

Jazmin- Um..we should get going..she gets inpatient pretty quickly..

Aquamarine- I've been ready!..Grown ups talk too much huh Toby?

Jazmin- See what I mean?

Jake- *Chuckles..Lets go before we get in trouble..

The entire afternoon was going great. Jake seemed to be enjoying his time with Aquamarine all too well. He was smiling again and even laughing. I loved seeing them together. Especially after everything Jake mentioned earlier. I was glad we could keep his mind distracted at least for the meantime. After playing tag with my sweet Marine and Jake. I was feeling exhausted. So I sat down on the blanket we had brought with us to lay on the grass. Toby was running around on the sand getting dirty along with Aquamarine. Ugh I'm already dreading the shower I'm going to have to give those two as soon as we get home. I noticed Jake making his way towards me with a huge smile on his face. He sat next to me while taking a deep breath also looking exhausted.

Jake- I am defeated...Just not that young anymore..

Jazmin- She sure has a bunch of energy doesn't she?

Jake- Sure makes me feel old..I can't keep up! It's not like that one time we brought her to the park remember?

Jazmin- Of course..You were the one running around taking her to every slide..She was just a baby then..

Jake- I don't know how you do it to handle all that energy she has..

Jazmin- Haha...Welcome to my world..

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