Chapter 11

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"you know what ? Lets stop  talking about all these please!!" ya Anwar said closing his eyes like he is angry

Amal looked at him expressionless before ambulating out of the palour

"what did he mean?, did that mean he has no any feelings for me?" Amal asked herself pitifully

"Why will he call her beautiful?!!"

He asked no one in particular throwing things across his room

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Come in...

😧😧...ya Ammar whats wrong with you?!?!!

Najwa please leave me alone, he dangerously whispered

Knowing how Ammar can behave when he is angry, she quitely went out of his room..

Mom something is wrong with ya Ammar

Mom smiled and said leave him alone, maybe he had  a small fight with your soon to be sister in law

**ONE WEEK LATER ( a week to Asmee's Nikah)**

Thier family house at Daura( a local government in katsina state) is bustling with old women yodelling, happy noises and traditional music (kidan kwarya)

In one of the parlours sat the Bride(Asmee), her cousins and friends even some aunties

Today is the Henna decoration(salalle)

In one corner sat Amal with an ear phone plugged in  both ears listening to one of "Mufti ismail menk lectures about haram relationships"

Hey!, someone said

It's ya Anwar

We need to talk, he said not meeting her gaze

I dont want to talk to you anymore, she answered curtly

Well, you dont have any choice but to talk to me

Not after when i said "our wedding will also be next week"


Dont expect any update soon cause i'm out of ideas recently

Soooo, what do you all think about this chappy? is it boring, nice , terrible, sweet, excellent...u name it

By the way slinkymekm , MamanArfat5. Zainab-tj and Zuliheartthank you sooo much for ur support..jazakumullah khair

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