Chapter Three

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                        *Jerome's P.O.V.*

    "Hello once again everyone! Mitch or Bajan Canadian here with Ryan, Jerome, and Rob! Today, we're going to play a good old battle arena!" Mitch said his intro just as he always did. "Hey guys! If you didn't know, all of us are at the Team Crafted house right now, even Rob. So, if I yell really loudly!" I yelled the last sentence and banged on the wall dividing Mitch's and my rooms. "They can hear me clearly," I finished.

    "Yeah, let's not do that again. That WAS really loud," Rob said. "Bla, bla, bla! All I heard was, let the game begin!" Ryan said, his Minecraft character running away from spawn.

    "Oh, you want to play that game? It looks like Mitch Time won't be on your side!" Mitch said, his character sprinting over to the forest. Rob followed him and asked real sweetly, "Mitch, can I have some wood?" Minecraft Mitch looked at him for a second, then said, "Maybe later." I saw him mischievously grin through the Skype call and I couldn't help but smile.

    After that, the build phase went on as usual. Rob died in lava and sweet-talked Mitch into letting him spawn his stuff back in. I just hoped that he wouldn't cheat and spawn in 80 diamonds. While I was mining, I luckily found an abandoned mineshaft and one of the chests had two diamonds in it. When this happened, I mentally patted myself on the back for digging straight down. Later on, I found a vein of five diamonds. I thought that this had to have been my luckiest game ever. When there was one minute left, I crafted Betty, a pair of diamond booties, the rest of my iron armor, and an iron sword just in case. I went back to the surface and enchanted my gear. Knowing that time was almost up, I went and hid in the forest near spawn.

    A few seconds later, Mitch said, "And, time is now up! Good luck, 'cause you're going to need it."

    "Mitch, I am a very skilled PvPer. I don't need luck," I said confidently. Because I have Betty, I silently added in my head. From where I stood in the forest, I could see all of spawn, which was god for me. I had a front row seat to an oncoming battle.

    Ryan was peacefully enchanting his gear, he even was whistling. Then, out of nowhere, Mitch jumps off a medium sized hill next to spawn and lands right behind Ryan. Mitch chopped him to pieces in a matter of seconds, making him scream. "Dang it, Mitch!" he said afterwards. "What happened?" Rob asked. He was still in the mines, attempting to come back to the surface.

    "Mitch just dominated Ryan," I said, but immediately regretted it. I just gave away my position. "Oh, so you saw that Jerome? I'm coming to get you!" he said, running towards my forest. At first, I thought that I was screwed. But, I then realized that I indeed had the upper hand. Still crouching, I moved behind the nearest tree so I could hide.

    "Oh, biggums! Where are you?" he asked me, but I kept my mouth shut. He was getting closer and closer to my character. Finally, he was right next to me for a split second as he ran by. In that tiny time frame, I was able to start attacking him. "It's Jerome!" I yelled as I chopped him up with my enchanted Betty. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Mitch said, trying to defend himself, but he was dead before he could anything about it. He only did two hearts of damage to me.

    "Wow, Jerome! You completely caught me off guard," Mitch laughed. "I think that was the point. Nice strategy Jerome! I might have to use it sometime," Ryan said. I smiled, feeling good from their praise.

    In game, I climbed one of the trees and ran to the tallest one in the forest. When I got to the top of that one, I looked out over the land. "I declare this forest, Bacca Forest, and I rule it as the Bacca King! Any who dare enter shall face my wrath!" I yelled over the land with Betty in hand.

    "But, King, you need a crown," Mitch said and dropped a golden helmet at my feet, "It's hand-made by Nooch himself."

    "Thank you, kind sir," I said, replacing my iron helmet with my crown.

    "I challenge the Bacca King to a battle!" Rob said and I saw his little character jumping up and down at the edge of the forest.

    "If you believe you can defeat me and Betty, then I will gladly battle you," I said, running atop the trees to him. I made it to the edge of the forest and instantly jumped off, eating the fall damage like it was nothing. While in the air, I yelled, "Bacca from the trees!"

    Rob put up a good fight, but he was no match for me and Betty. He dropped me down to two hearts at one point, but I still won. "I win! I am Bacca King!" I said while I jumped around Rob's loot victoriously. "Congratulations! Here is some TNT just for you!" Mitch said and I knew that he had typed in the nuke command. I looked up and saw TNT raining down from the sky. I somehow avoided the explosive blocks, but not the blast. Because I wasn't at full health, I was killed and respawned. "Anyway guys, that was a battle arena with Ryan, Rob, and Jerome! I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next time!" Mitch said, ending all of our recordings. I hit the stop recording button and watched the 25 minute long video over again. I uploaded to video to my channel and waited to get some feedback. In ten minutes, I had over two thousand views and a little over a thousand likes. I closed out of the web page I was on and left my room. I walked down the stairs and saw Jason, Ian, and Ryan watching some reality TV show. I don't watch TV all that much, only a few shows that were really awesome.

    I grabbed my head phones from the coffee table and sat down in a chair next to the couch. I got my phone out of my pocket and plugged in my head phones. I played my favorite Skrillex song and blocked out the world. Sometimes it was nice to be alone with your music. 

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