im only popular on ao3 also MAJOR tw for suicide attempt this chap

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buzz lightyear: did we ever find out who's room Kokichi broke into

sneaky mage: probably not mine, he was sitting outside when I got back

bi noodle: it was mine

bi noodle: he gave me a bottle of panta and some chocolate

ow: is everyone just dedicated to ruining my reputation

knife: absolutely

knife: I've watched him cry because Kaito laughed and it was too pure


knife: I lied


buzz lightyear: why does everyone cry over me

shitlock: idk but I cried the first time I met you so

buzz lightyear: I know. I remember. 

shitlock: I wish you didn't.

buzz lightyear: I'll never forget. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

ow: oh so we get embarrassment and he gets compliments

shitlock: cause you're ashamed of it

shitlock: I embrace the fact that I'm a lil pussy

knife: alright let's just agree that we will leave each other's reputations alone from now on

ow: nah

ow: im gonna improve urs

ow: when Maki beat up Miyadora, she was extremely badass

buzz lightyear: I love you two getting along

ow: couldn't you have just stopped it at loving us

buzz lightyear: earn it

knife: I have a list of every good thing I've ever done for you

ow: I do not because I don't do nice things

bi noodle: I am living proof that that is a lie

ow: SHUT. UP.

sneaky mage: yo can I borrow someone's laptop

bi noodle: I don't think you want to see my laptop

sneaky mage: look I have to get to a computer real fuckin quick and I broke mine yesterday can someone just help

3'5: take mine

sneaky mage: thank you, you precious gremlin

3'5: no prob

utter perfection: hey does anyone wanna go see infinity war

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