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"The ladies love a man in armor," Gilgamesh says with a blank expression.

"What I wear, I don't care," replied his friend, Enkidu.

Enkidu recently dyed their long and silky hair green. Gilgamesh offered to help dye it, but his friend refused simply because he was blonde. Gilgamesh stroked their hair, but Enkidu slapped his hands away.

"My hair is not yours to touch," they growled, their face wrinkling with anger.

"Hahaha! It actually is!" Gilgamesh laughed in triumph. Gilgamesh laughed for a couple more minutes until Enkidu slapped him so hard he blacked out.

When Gilgamesh awoke, he was tucked in a bed with white sheets in a bright temple filled with nature and sunlight. He rubbed his right cheek where Enkidu had hit him. It was still stingin'.

"My heart is broken." Gilgamesh sighed as he pulled himself off the bed. He hopped around the temple, observing the glossy, golden pillars. This temple was his because he was King of Uruk. I think. His attention then turned to his endless collection of swords. His weapons could slice a boulder and get away with it. Gilgamesh reached down and grabbed his favorite sword, Enkidon, and admired him. His edges were sharp and thin, but he could slice a mountain in half with a simple swing.

"Enkidon, my babe....I know you are the beauty of this palace. Appreciate me! And you will have all I offer you," Gilgamesh cooed to Enkidon.

"Are you talking to that sword again?" A familiar voice asked.

Gilgamesh swivelled around to see Enkidu staring at him with bored eyes. His face reddened in humiliation, and he took a step back and dropped Enkidon onto the stone floor.

"Enkidon is not an it. He is a he, and he is much grander than the likes of you!" Gilgamesh yelled and quickly picked Enkidon back up into his grasp.

"Yar yar," Enkidu said before walking out. Gilgamesh followed with Enkidon still gripped to his hand. The morning sunlight that Gilgamesh was unaccustomed to blinded him for a moment. He felt a hand that he assumed was Enkidu's take his hand and led the way for him.

"Let's go to Narnia."

the adventures of gilgamesh and enkiduWhere stories live. Discover now