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Without a moment's hesitation Flair and Asher were pulled from the chambers and flung outside the huge headquarters. They were alone again.

"Flair... what do we do now?" Asher quivered in an airy voice.

"We can't do anything, we have to go on with our lives. I don't want you to be hurt again," she mumbled through her tears. She wiped them off and started down the narrow street towards home.

"Psst, Miss?"

Flair stopped dead in her tracks. Across the road she saw a dark alleyway.

"Miss, please, help me," the voice echoed. Flair and Asher cautiously crossed the the road and entered the alleyway, towards the little voice. Flair listened carefully to the sounds around her and heard a light breathing from behind some bins. She peered over them and saw a tuft of peroxide blonde hair. It was a child.

"You're her right? The lady on the news? The one who helps children?" The child's face was so well hidden Flair could not make out who it was.

Something rose up inside of her.

"Come with me." She took the hands of Asher and the mysterious child and disappeared into the night. 

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