f o r t y f i v e

Start from the beginning

"i guess i'll try." those were the last words she heard from him. they both submerged in a deep silence, almost palpable. the only noises heard in the room were from the crickets outside of the window and sometimes, the wind.

soon felt her eyelids growing heavier as she felt her mind wandering in different places. she knew she was falling asleep and she knew it wasn't a right thing to do, next to him.

next to someone who suffered from DID, especially when one of his alters wanted to kill her.

but she wanted to trust him so he could trust her as well, and that's when she didn't realize she had fallen asleep until she felt something moving next to her.

her eyes opened in alert as she confusedly held onto the sheets. her heart raced as she tried to sat straight on the bed.

she looked around and when her eyes fell onto hyungwon's space on the bed, she realized it was empty.

in that moment she felt her hands shaking as she looked desperately around, trying to find him. "hyungwon-ah?" she whispered his name in the darkness.

the single lamp over the nighstand on hyungwon's side had been turned off. the whole room was in complete darkness except for the dim light that filtered through the window, the moon's light.

"hyungwon-ah?" she called his name again.

there was a deathly silence in the room and it suddenly grew cold. she felt the nerves growing as her temples began to throb.

"he's not here." a similar voice answered.

soon jumped in the bed as her eyes widened, looking everywhere, trying to find the source of the voice. "where are you?" she asked desperately.

she heard some steps and finally a dark shadow came out of the darkness, discovering his handsome features through the moonlight.

he smirked. "i am sorry i scared you... i couldn't sleep."

"inho." she whispered as she took a hand to her chest, feeling her heart as if was going to come out of her chest.

she swallowed hard. "i thought-

"i know. i am sorry." he said approaching her softly. the steps were slower than ever. he walked with suspense towards the bed. soon stared at him, or at least she tried since the room was dark.

"what are you doing?" she asked.

he remained silent. she could only see his shadow. "i was staring at you... while you slept."

she felt cold shivers running down her spine. "w-why?" she dared to ask. there was something odd about the whole situation.

she knew it was inho. his tone was somehow empathic and even sweet. but the whole feeling of it all was just overall weird.

"because you're fascinating dr. park."

that's how inho used to call her. it was more likely to be him.

somehow she felt more relieved. "i am sorry if i woke you up." he added.

she shook her head. "no. it's fine." she quickly said, her hand reaching for the lamp, but soon a bigger hand stopped her midway.

"i like it better when it's dark."

she swallowed hard. the touch was cold and it felt strange. she felt the nerves growing inside her belly and soon she started feeling nauseas.

his grip on her forearm grew intense when she tried to move away. she chuckled nervously. "i think i need a glass of water-

"why did you lie to hyungwon dr. park?" was the only thing she received as an answer.

teared • hyungwonWhere stories live. Discover now