Opening Note

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Which Turtle-verse?

So...many...Turtle versions...

It's bound to get muddled in my head a bit. I'm going to try to make this a sort of blended AU that feeds off of the general TNMT story, but isn't set in any particular universe. However, it will likely most closely resemble the Nickelodeon series [2012] since that's my most recent exposure, and I think the guys are adorable in it...I'm just not at all good at keeping current... *sweatdrop* But I have Really been wanting to write a TMNT

I had the first chapter up, but took it down for some revisions and to solidify my take on the Turtleverse.


Character Note

It may seem that Aneta is a bit of a mood swinging, inconsistent character, but I promise, that's her anxiety. It's a fight or flight thing. Her typical first response is to withdraw, act shy, cry, cringe, flee....but if for any reason she feels these aren't possible, or aren't working, then she's going to lash out. Normally it's just a verbal thing. If you continue to make her feel cornered, she may resort to a more physical lashing out.

It's like an animal putting on a threat display, really.


Is Aneta a Romantic Interest? For Whom?

I haven't decided for sure, I was leaning towards no. Being me though, I do love a romantic angle.

Involving her with a canon character....I feel like it would be kinda Mary Su...

There is another OC that will be introduced too...but I dunno if he would work AT ALL romantically for Aneta.

So I'm leaning toward no...

As with anything, feedback on this is love.


The Name

Aneta's name is Polish. She's an American citizen, born and raised, but is 2nd or 3rd generation American. Meaning her Great Grandparents and/or Great-Great Grandparents came over from Poland. Her family still has a great deal of Polish pride, even if she herself can't speak the language.


Chapter Titles

So, I'm going to try to title chapters after songs. Just a weird idea I had that started when I was originally going to call Chapter 1 "New York, New York" then thought "People are Strange" might make a good title for a chapter I paln on writing later...

Chapter 1 has a different title now, still a song reference about New York though.

Anyhow...I'll include a youtube example for each song, and explain how I feel it reflects the chapter in an A/N (most likely at the end of the chapters). And if you want to suggest a song that I could turn into a chapter idea, leave a comment! I'll give it a listen, but I can't guarantee to use it.

Unforseen [TMNT + OC]Where stories live. Discover now