"I mean, but it's not his fault. It's your moms. You gotta at least get to know him and let him explain his side of the story because it's always 2."

"But I feel like, he could've came up to my school. Waited till I left the house if he really wanted to see me, he could've tried harder." I said shaking my head. "And I swear if he's tryna blend our families together...I don't know how imma handle this situation. How would you handle it if you was me?"

"Once again, I would talk to him, so he expresses how he feels and you can do the same. But, you don't know what your mama could've pulled so he wouldn't be able to see him. The choice is yours now..." 

"I guess your right, what about you any kids?"

"Fuck no, I wraps up, but I don't just stick my dick in anything. I used to in high school and stuff cause pussy was the only thing on my mind especially when they started throwing it at me." He said making me laugh and shake my head. "What?"

"I still think you stick your dick in anything."

"I'll stick it in you," He said licking his lip biting his lips. "But once again, imma wait till this baby over cause I don't wanna hurt it."

"Boyy...I can handle what you got to offer,"

"I don't think you can th--scratch that I know you can't. Imma have yo ass running like a track star," I laughed and pushed his shoulders.

"Imma have yo ass swimming like Michael Phelps." 

"I'll take the challenge,"

"Move boy." He smirked and nodded.

"Anyway naw not yet. I mean I wanna wait till I'm financial steady, but if I was to get a girl pregnant, I could still provide for the baby. I mean I get paid 80 a hour." Damn I got me a good one.

"Not including your physical training?"

"Naw, that's on $16.50 a hour." He said shrugging. "Still brings cash in."

"Boy that's good. Fuck you shrugging for?" I asked laughing shaking my head.

"Anyway...what you going to college for?"

"Nursing or maybe design. I don't know yet."

"You should go to the art of institute of Atlanta if you do fashion..." He said going into the kitchen.

"What you make?" I asked walking into the kitchen seeing him pull out some lasagna.

"Some seafood lasagna. You looked like a seafood type of girl."

"I love me some seafood," I said laughing. "I'm about ready to smash."

"Sit down and I'll fix your plate." He said pulling the chair out for me. 

I smiled and sat down. He sat the plate down in front of me and sat across from me. 

"I know you can drink white wine so.." He said pouring some than bit his lips. "But, wait you not old enough."

"Neither or you."

"I'm 22 years old shorty," He said making me choke. "How old did you think i was?"

"I mean 20...but than again how are you gonna be 20 and be a doctor."

"I graduated early."

"So I got me a smart nigga?" I asked making him laugh and nod.

"I'm your nigga now?" He asked smirking at me making me blush.

"You can cook cook," I said changing the topic.

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