9: Gardien

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"This is Scare, Penny," said Forrest. "It's the main shopping district. All the major shops run through here."

The trio was lost in the throng of a hectic city centre. The streets were paved with dark brown cobbles and the pavements were lined with streetlamps, each lamp resembling an eagle claw, with an orb of pulsing purple light clasped within the talons. Thatched cottages sat higgledy-piggledy in little corners everywhere. Each cottage boasted magical items on sale, from potions ingredients and spell books, to pets, mage robes, odd groceries, sweets, staffs, and bone-shine for the skeletons. A clock tower chimed twelve releasing a cloud of fluttering bats as it did so, and the focal point was an owl fountain that spurted green water from its beak. A group of witches sat around the fountain, laughing and playing with each other's Familiars: black cats with shrewd eyes. Mages, skeletons, warlocks and vampires walked by in groups and they chatted excitedly to one another. Music drifted out of the cottages and a few of the Creeps danced in the street.

Because it was crowded, most Creeps didn't notice Penny, but the deeper into the crowd they went, the more eyes that turned their way. The giggling witches stopped and started pointing at her. One of them stood and waved; a gesture she returned.

They passed a shop that had sacks of blood in the display window. When Penny asked what the shop was for, Riider said: "It's the blood bank for the younger vampires. When vampires are born, they don't know what blood type to drink, so they have to feed from bloodbanks until they're sixteen." The wraith then pointed to a set of stables. A line of black carriages stood beside the stables and a tall, spindly man with a cap welcomed them at the entrance. After an exchange of words, Forrest paid the man five pounds for a day carriage.

"Thankee," said the stables owner. "Marty will be your driver."

When he saw Penny, his eyes widened and he staggered back.

"Is that the spinead there? Is it the spinead?"

Forrest frowned. He put a protective arm on Penny's shoulder and pushed her behind him.

"Yes. And her name's Penny. Forgive me, but we don't want any trouble. Can we please have a carriage?"

The owner looked crestfallen, but he left them all the same, returning with a portly wraith. This wraith prepared the carriage and he whistled to the trio once finished.

"The name's Marty. I'm gonna be your driver for the day. Pleased to meet you, spinead."

When the carriage pulled away, Scare continued to grow inside, opening into a spider's web of streets and alleys, where cottages and stages for street performances lined the area. Several Creeps yelled and pointed at the carriage, and some even took photographs of Penny with digital cameras. The denser the population, the more she was noticed, and she began to get a little worried.

"Word spreads fast around here," said Riider. "Them witches probably told everyone you were out here."

"Great," said Penny sarcastically, but for some reason, she was dimly aware of the flutter of happiness in her chest. She put this up to nerves, and tried to ignore the furore that was continuing outside the confines of their carriage.

They rounded a corner and the full sight of The Cave revealed itself. In the distance, Penny could see muddy fells and distant mansions and fun fairs. A castle stood before them surrounded by a green, swampy moat. There were black flags on the turrets and spires, flying eerily as if caught in a slow breeze.

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