13: Armand

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Penny spent the next few days trying to make her desires to enrol at Greymalkin's Academy known. She frequently pestered Forrest and Riider for information about the school and about the Blood supporters, but the pair had little to say. Blythe, caught up in his plans to monitor the different clubs and societies, ignored and abandoned his team, only making contact to give them their shifts for the Outside and to plan several infiltrations of different warlock dens around London. Her chores around the Mason residence were less annoying now that Madeline and Tobias had travelled back to their mansion in Bath, so Penny spent this time eavesdropping on the Gardien leader's conversations in his office.

But on one particular evening, Penny found she didn't need to eavesdrop. She had heard the front door open and close from her place in the brunch room, where she had been polishing the grand piano. Creeping through the special walkway, she just got a glimpse of a tall person going into the office. Penny ambled by the black velvet chair by the stairs and was just about to sneak up to the door when a guffaw came from the other side.

"Well, what can I say? I was away, touring the land, achieving goals and meeting new people! It's not my fault I missed her. Oh, Blythe, I can only hope that you made her feel welcome."

There was a low, husky grumble from Blythe before the first speaker yelled:

"My word! Well, it couldn't be avoided, I suppose. Anyway!"

The door burst open. Penny jumped to her feet and started scrubbing a wall at random, but the gangly wraith had already seen her staring transfixed at the door. His hair fell in messy curls to the small of his back and he wore a lab coat smeared with green slime.

"Is this...?" he said, his scarlet eyes wide with wonder. "Why, it's the dear spinead!"

He ran over to Penny and started shaking her hands frantically.

"What a glorious evening this is! First, I find out that I missed mother, and now, I have been given an audience with the spinead! You have confirmed my predictions about the Spine; have lived to tell the tale!"

Blythe appeared in the doorway, cigar dangling from his down-turned mouth, his eyes filled with contempt.

"Oh! Wait!" said the tall wraith, whipping around to face Blythe. "I see! You heard about my return from Australia, and decided to organise a welcome party for me, with the spinead as the guest of honour! I can expect nothing less from my little brother. Archer! Archer! Yoohoo!"

Archer came bustling into the entrance hall.

"Yes, Armand?"

"Now, for my welcoming banquet, I request your best duck! Be sure to tell Cook that I like my duck rare! Last time, it was done to charcoal standard, I'm afraid. And set my bath, dear sir! I require lavender-scented candles, rose petals and lots of bubbles! Chop-chop!"

Archer rushed up the stairs, looking slightly confused.

The Warlock (The Cave Chronicles #1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें