Scence 7

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These is really sad, Spencer leaving Julie. Woah.

We need to listen to sad song people because the story is sad men.
On with the story.
   Spencer left the School. Julie cried.
"Spencer are you okay?" Jake asked. "Am fine" Said Spencer.
(Later they reached home).
"I see you changed the paintings and stairs for elevators. " Said Spencer. "Yes, mama is rich" Said Spencer's mum.
(Spencer smirked, Meanwhile, Julie was on her bed eating ice-cream)
"Julie stop crying " Said Elizabeth. "How should we, Spencer is the best and you know it" Said Ariel weeping.
"Yes I know, but I think it is a trick",Said Elizabeth. " How is it a trick Eli? "Debby bided. " Can't you see how he used his lightening to strick the idiots giants with ease, did you see how he punched the giant, did you see how he kicked the stone and it flew high and hit another person's car far from our school, can't you see" Said Elizabeth.  "Yes we can, can't you see the boy is a confuse boy, can't you see the boy does not know who he really is, can't you see he does know where does powers came from and how he can control then, can't you see he is not the one!" She yelled at Elizabeth.
"You are as blind at a bat, I believe he is the one, shout at me hundred times and I will proof you all wrong" Said Elizabeth.
(Elizabeth went to Julie)
"Don't worry I will bring him back" said Elizabeth.
(She left them)
"Seriously, these girl is mad" said Debby. "I miss him " Said Julie.
"We miss him too Julie. " Said Ariel. "See Debby, she is not mad, she is just trying to prove a point" Said Julie. "I know Julie, I know" Said Debby.

  (Afterwards, Elizabeth went to Spencer's roommate's room. (
"Hey Kelvin!" She shouted.
( The door opened and she saw a handsome black built boy, who had beautiful ocean eyes and perfect pink lips looking at her. ).
"Hey" Said Kelvin. "Hi dude, do you have Spencer's number". " Yes I do pretty girl" Said Kelvin.
(Elizabeth gave a fake smile, Kelvin gave her Spencer's number)
"Thanks, take the change" Said Elizabeth.
(She gave him money)
"Also tell Spencer it will be cool if he had join the party last Saturday" Said Kelvin. "Of course" Said Elizabeth. "And also tell him, the boys miss him, especially his eye talk, do you like eye talk?" He asked. "See boy, if you ask one more time, I will give something that will burn your skin you never forget, so, shut up!" Said Elizabeth. 
(She left)
"Woah, that is mean" Said Kelvin.
(Later in Spencer's house, he had a phone call)
"Spencer why are you doing these to me?" Said a Stranger. "See, Am not ready and I do not understand why you are thinking am the one  bro. See the guy you think it's me, is gone,gone far away through the galaxy. So, stop saying am the one please" Said Spencer. "Am sorry, but if you need help, call me" Said The stranger.
(They ended the call).

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