[ 1 ] - Trust Issues and a Royal Bless

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"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."
- William Shakespeare


Trust Issues and a Royal Bless



I leaned back into my seat, in my economics class and my body slumped down further into the chair, ready to fall asleep anytime soon as a yawn escaped my mouth. But at the same time, throughout the last thirty minutes of the lecture, my thoughts were busy thinking about one thing — well, now that my brain had to remind me, that makes it two. For some reason, it brings frustration to me.

First, there is one person who annoys me to death.

And every single, freaking day, he would always find a way to ruin it.

I was not entirely ready to accept the fact that my mother had hired someone lazy and found pleasure in pulling stupid pranks on me. No, I could not accept that. You see my mother is a carefree woman, we could get along with each other very well like we are best friends.

But she is too kind. She and that idiotic best friend of mine, Meredith. They never allowed me to fire him because according to my mum, he is the "asset" in our store; people would often come just to meet Archie as his face matches the prince.

Besides that, Meredith, my best friend — she is seriously a badass, the most kick-ass girl I know. She knows how to kickbox, karate and how to ride a motorbike. But she is also stinking rich, and the size of her heart matches her wallet. Not to mention she is the nicest person I know, and most people take advantage of her.

Oh, and she's American.

And then there's Archie William.

He is the one who threw flour and eggs all over my hair in the kitchen, at the bakery store. Now let us relive this scenario and see if it makes more sense.

I sat down with Meredith at the table where we always had our lunch together. The store was bustling around with people and Mum was outside handling the customers.

Meredith and I came to help like we always did every other day.

"I totally kicked his ass." Meredith explained as she took a generous bite of her burrito.

"Yeah." I nodded, listening to her little karate story.

So here we were, perfectly content when...


Something hit the back of my head, dousing me in a substance that strangely smelt of raw eggs.

Before I had the time to react.

Two more things had hit my head, and all over my body.

I groaned in frustration as I looked down. I was covered in eggs and flour. I wiped it off my face so I could turn and face my attacker.

Archie was laughing his ass off, and I could see Meredith trying not to crack up too. I narrowed my eyes as I stepped up to him and shoved him back.

He hardly even moved.

"You asshole!" I yelled as the eggs glopped from my hair down onto my face.

I could have punched him right in the face if it were not for Meredith who stopped me from doing so.

"What happened to your hair?" My mother laughed when she came into the kitchen.

"Archie happened." I grimaced.

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