"Clem are you alright?" I say while helping her get up.

"Yea Y/N I'll be alright."

"What about you?" She asks.

"Your bleeding."

I touch my face and feel a liquid coming down my nose and mouth. My fingers turn red I didn't even know I was bleeding."

"I'll be fine just a little blood is all."

She looks at the mans unconscious body glaring at it.

"Is he dead?"

"No,he said he had his group outside and if we killed him then we'd be killed to I didn't want to risk it."

"Shit if that's true we can't stay here we gotta move."

"I know but then they could be anywhere around here we gotta...."

All of a sudden we hear a bunch of voices coming from downstairs their foot steps sound scattered I look out the window and see someone quickly go by running along the building we're in.

"Shit they're here."

I hear another mans voice call out.

"Clyde you hear me?"

Me and Clem don't answer,I give her A.J putting them both behind me. I look at the window opening it. It's a two story drop, I grab Clementine's arm and pull her over to one of the empty rooms.

"Hide in the closet Clem."

"Y/N no I'm not leaving you to deal with them!"

"Clem I'll be ok just stay here and stay quiet I'll be fine."

"I know you mother fuckers gotta be up there,Clyde won't fire off some rounds unless he has to and no way a walker gonna get his buff ass so talk now cause if you don't and we find you I'm gonna shoot whoever else the fuck is up there."

I look at Clementine assuringly she looks back at me to nervously but still having a brave face. She got A.J to quiet down I pet his head he still looks scared.

"I don't want any trouble!"

"Ha knew someone was up there,now see I'm going to come up now so don't try some more stupid shit or you die got it?"

" Yea I got it."

"Just stay here as long as you have to ok please." I whisper to Clementine.

"Ok just.."

I hold her hand for a quick second smiling at her before leaving and closing the closet and bedroom door. I run over to the living room quickly, I see the man come up the stairs along with two more men all three are armed with automatics. I hold my knife as I stare right at them.

"Come on kid you don't wanna do that put the knife down."

He looks at me waiting for me to let it go and I drop it. He walks over to the man on the floor,crouches and puts his fingers along his neck.


One of the men he came with immediately unzips his backpack and hands him a bottle of water. He splashes water on the mans face and he slowly starts to wake up but he still seems drowsy.

"Take him downstairs with the rest."

The man who gave him the water walks over to Clyde and helps him get up, they then head downstairs.

"Damn kid who woulda thought that Clyde could be taken down by someone like you." He runs his hand through his partially grey hair.

"Although something tells me that you didn't do it alone."

"It's just me." I replied

"Oh really now."

He looks over at the sink

"So then you had three plates by yourself?"

"You can eat a lot when you go days without having anything to eat." I said bluntly

"Yea I'll give you that one." He paces around the room looking for anything to exploit me for. He grabs one of the cans off the table and looks over to more used food supplies.

"Yup you sure can." He says smiling he walks over to me.

He ends up punching me in the gut. I grunt in pain, he then punches me down on the ground.

"I know your probably bullshitting me but that was for Clyde, your lucky you let him live or you wouldn't be breathing right now, I mean that's my damn poker buddy you fucked up."

He grabs me by my jacket and throws me down the stairs.

"Go check around real quick alright?" He tells the man that was left up there.

"Clementine." I whisper under my breath

"Get up now!" He exclaims at me

I get up and walk outside,the early morning cold air hits me,creating goosebumps on my arms visible because of my rolled up sleeves. That's where I see ten more men waiting outside including the one that I knocked out. He glares at me seemingly wanting to kill me.

"Where's the bitch?"

Despite the cold I feel myself getting hot knowing now that everybody else knows I'm not alone.

"So you weren't alone then."

"She's long gone, I told her to take off as soon as she can."

"No she isn't!" I heard a voice coming from inside the building.

The man that was left behind walks with Clementine and A.J. He pushes her to the ground causing her to fall on her knees. She holds A.J close to her.

"Please don't hurt her leave them alone."

"See I'm wondering why you'd have to lie to me you just made it worse for yourself now, but if I'm being honest kinda glad you did I wanted to hurt you some more."

He grabs me and slams me to the ground I hit my head against the concrete he rolls me over and punches me several times in my face I try to block his jabs with my arms but he still manages to get a few hits in he gets up and stomps on my ribs I yell out in pain.

"NO STOP LEAVE HIM ALONE PLEASE!" Clementine pleads.

"JUST STOP DON'T HURT HIM!" She starts tearing up

"IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP I'LL MAKE YOU SHUT UP!" I hear a man threaten Clementine.It only makes me furious.

"Give me your gun." He tells one of his men.

"NO DON'T!" She tries to run over but Is stopped when the same man holds her a gun point.

"I said shut up." He cocks his gun.

"It'll be ok Clementine." I say calmly as possible.

"Like I said kid your lucky you didn't kill him."


The only thing I see is the end of the rifle
As he strikes me with it and the last thing I heard is Clementine yell out my name.

My Only Desire (Clementine x Reader Where stories live. Discover now