Trial Start!

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"Red! Leaf! Hurry up, we're almost to the first trial!" Blue yelled as he ran towards the trial site.

"Wait up!" Leaf yelled after him.

Red and Pikachu just kept running with them and eventually they arrived at the site of the trial. When they arrived they saw a woman, she was wearing a pair of short climbing shorts and a tank top, as well as a bandanna wrapped around her head and a huge grin plastered on her face, she tilted her head up in greeting, causing her dark brown ponytail to shake around.

(The captains in this book will NOT be the same as the games and neither will the trials themselves, but the Totem Pokemon will remain the same.)

"Alola!" the woman said, "Name's Casandra, Captain Casandra!"

"So you're the trial captain we're supposed to talk to?" Leaf asked, unlike Blue she had actually studied about the trials and what they were like.

"Yup, that's me! So then are all three of you here to participate in the trial?" Casandra asked them.

"Yeah, so what do we do?!" Blue exclaimed, an excited look on his face.

"See that tree?" Casandra asked, "You gotta climb it and battle the totem pokemon. And since there are three of you, you all get to climb it and battle the pokemon together."

"Alright, let's go!" Blue said as he ran towards the tree, then he looked up and a lump formed in his throat at the extremely tall tree.

"Don't tell me you're chickening out?" Red teased.

"N-NO!" Blue yelled, his face a bright red from frustration at the teasing.

"I'm just glad I wore shorts instead of a skirt today." Leaf sighed in relief.

With all that said, the three began to climb the tree. Before long Leaf felt a finger tap her shoulder and she turned to see Red pointing at a branch, it was low and sturdy so they could use it to climb.

"Red, we talked about the pointing didn't we? Just talk okay? You don't have to be antisocial." Leaf told him, placing her hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"I know, I'll keep working on it." Red said quietly.

After that they all slowly made their way up the tree, each one of them helping the others to find suitable places to grab hold of, except Pikachu who simply hopped from branch to branch happily. And after a little while they finally made it up the tree to a large wooden platform.

"Woah! Look at that pokemon!" Blue exclaimed, pointing at a large black pokemon.

"It's a Raticate but black and kinda glowing." Leaf voiced her thoughts.

"That's right, it's an Alolan Raticate and it glows because it's a totem pokemon." a voice told them.

Turning around they all gasped as they saw Casandra sitting on a branch, her morning coffee in her hand as she smiled at them.

"What?! How did you get here so fast?!" Blue exclaimed in surprise.

"I always climb this tree so I'm just good at it." Casandra said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"So what, we battle it?" Leaf asked.

"Right, it'll call in its friends to help it so it won't be an easy fight even for three of you." Casandra told them.

"Alright then, let's go Leafeon!" Leaf called out as she tossed her pokeball into the air.

"Come on out Alakazam!" Blue said as he called out his pokemon.

Red just looked at Pikachu who jumped down with a slight smirk, ready for a battle.

"Rati!"the Alolan Raticate snarled at them.

Suddenly the totem pokemon let out an ear piercing screech and two Ratatta climbed out from the nearby branches that surrounded the platform. 

"Leafeon, use Razor Leaf!" Leaf commanded as she thrust her arm forward.

Leafeon whipped its head around, sending several razor sharp leaves towards the totem pokemon. They spun through the air but as they got close to the Raticate, it jumped to the side.

"Fine then, Alakazam use Psychic on the boards underneath it and launch it in the air! ." Blue called out.

"Ala! Kazam!" the psychic type yelled as the boards under Raticate erupted into the air, the pokemon soon following.

Red simply nodded to Pikachu, who immediately knew what to do and leaped into the air. As the small electric type came back down, his tail glowed a brilliant white and came down onto the Raticate. As the attack hit, the Raticate was brought to the ground, hurt bot not down just yet.

Then one of the Ratatta suddenly slammed into Leafeon with a Quick Attack. Leafeon was thrown back a bit but stood up quickly before Leaf called out a Vine Whip. Leafeon shot out the green vines and they wrapped around the Ratatta before tossing it into the other Ratatta.

"Now, use Shadow Pulse!" Blue yelled.

Alakazam shot the dark type beam at the Raticate and despite it not being very effective it had the desired affect, Raticate was thrown back several feet. Red and Pikachu capitalized on the opportunity and Pikachu shot towards it at a blinding speed, and as he did Pikachu began to become enveloped in electricity. When the Volt Tackle his home, Raticate was sent back a few more feet, fainted.

"Now, finish those Ratatta with one more Razor Leaf!" Leaf called out to her pokemon.

"Lea!" Feon!" Leafeon yelled as it hurled the leaves once more, knocking out the Ratatta.

"Wow, that was very impressive." Casandra said as she walked towards them.

"Thanks." Blue said with a grin.

Casandra gave them each a Normalium Z Crystal and showed them the movements for the move before showing them to the stairs that led down. Once the three friends had left the Trial Site they went to get some food before just hanging around Hao'oli City a little while longer. Then they went back home and turned in for the night, all three exhausted but excited for the Grand Trial they would take part in within a couple of weeks.

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