Second of all: wrestling match

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Commentator: Here we go! It's our second match of the week and guess who advances to the semi finals...

Audience and Leorio: plain-old-jack!!!

Commentator: You guessed right.. plain-old-jack moves on to the semi finals after he brutally defeated flying rumble who was last year's third runner up for champion!! Now he is here to most likely defeat the second runner up for champion... he's big, he's strong, he beats anyone that gets in his's the one and only Scary bomber!!

Killua: woooo!
Leorio: I still put my money on plain-old-jack.

Kurapika: didn't you hear. Scary bomber is practically a killer with no remorse. I put my money on him.

Killua: I agree
Leorio: whatever you say..
Commentator: And the battle just started and everyone is tense and sweating bullets wondering who would win this match. I put my money on none because I'm the commentator and I really need to start commentating... okay, plain-old-jack is going for the leap while having his opponent distracted. He's an inch away from Scary bomber's face but Scary bomber recovered quickly and now has plain-old-jack in an arm lock.
Oooo that must have been painful. Now plain-old-jack's arm is hanging limply on his side with him screaming out in agony...

Killua & Kurapika: yes!

Commentator: ...Scary bomber towers over him..

Killua & Kurapika: yes!!

Commentator: ...he reels his arm back and is about to deliver the painful and final blow while plain-old-jack is still on the floor..

Killua & Kurapika: yes!!!

Leorio: I'm gonna get a drink.. be right back.

Gon: 'comes in'
I wonder what would happen if I plug this ultra sonic speaker near the tv.
'Plugs it in'..sparks'
Oh's gonna blow!

Commentator: ..he thrusts his arm forward and....
            -TV goes off-
'They all look at him'
Killua and Kurapika: GOOONNN!!

Gon: Oh no...
Leorio: 'comes in'
Ahhh! What a refreshing drink!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as a continuation of the very first one. I was thinking of the making a third one but I need your feedback first. So till the next chappy my dear readers. .. BYE!!

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