Chapter Six.

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 In two days time Rose and him were preparing to depart;  just to his cottage deep in the woods. Rose and Gaston were not travelling completely alone, it was determined that Isabel shall join them. Rose liked that very much, and Gaston thought of her as a godsend. 

Lefou and Lucy were to say and watch after things at the house while Gaston, Rose, and Isabel were away. They were going to be gone for just the weekend. They will return late in the afternoon on Monday, according to Gaston. Lucy and Lefou are both well aware of how Gaston can get when it comes to these things. There needs to be structure, order, and precise planning. 

It reminds of him of his glory days in the war. 

"It's like he's never left." 

Lefou huffed under his breath, loud enough for Lucy to catch on. Lucy had to agree. The war affected everyone and everything. It changed Gaston. Lucy and Lefou are still trying to figure out if it was for better or for worse. They love Gaston, but they do miss the old Gaston, before the war. 

Ah, before the war...

Things were so much different before the war. 

Gaston, as much as he is acting like the same old Gaston. Lucy noticed that her brother was just acting like himself , not to throw anyone off. He's playing the role of himself, and that he is a shadow following him. 

She noticed it the day after Rose joined them. No time was ever the right time. Lucy could no longer hold it in and she asked for Lefou to give her and her brother the room. Lefou respected Lucy's wish and left the room with his head low. 

"What is it, Lucy?" Gaston knit his eyebrows. 

"I think you know, Gaston." She raised her an eyebrow. Gaston sighed and shook his head. "Why don't you care to shed light on it." Gaston suggested. "Gaston you haven't been yourself! You're jumpy and you look like you have not slept! What is going on, dear brother!?" Lucy sighed, biting her lip. 

When Gaston met his sister's eyes, tears welled up inside of them. 

"Oh brother." She stood up and ran into his arms, and embraced them. Gaston melted within his sister's arms and cried. 

"I can't shake the blasted Enchantress..." Gaston sniffled. "The what?" Lucy shook her head, not quite grasping. "On the evening that Rose came, every night an Enchantress has come to see me. This is my last chance. If I do not prove myself as a loving Father, I will lose...everything." Gaston said, repeating exactly what the Enchantress told him. 

Lucy let Gaston cry some more, and let it all out. Lucy hated that Gaston would bottle up all of his feelings; "I may not completely understand everything that is going on, but I believe this is all happening for a reason. You're doing the proper thing! This is your chance to restore everything and make it alright? Don't you see? Please don't be so hard on yourself, brother. Like you always tell me." Lucy wiped the remaining tears that escaped. Gaston sniffled a little and nodded in agreement. 

"I have an idea. Why don't you take this afternoon to rest and Lefou and I will entertain little Rose? Don't look at me like that, brother. Imagine that you are not going to have a nightmare. I'll tuck you in myself." Lucy made Gaston stand, and she pulled him, with little to no resistance. Just as Lucy promised, she tucked him underneath covers and watched as his breathing slowed and soft snores invaded the room. She tip toed and shut his door over as quietly as she could. She informed Isabel that she will fetch Monsieur Gaston herself in a couple of hours. Isabel asked if he felt alright, and Lucy just insisted that he needed to catch up on his rest. 

Isabel nodded warily, but now she too was worried over Gaston. 

Then, Lucy went to find Rose, and she was where she thought to be. She was exploring the library. "Find anything good to read?" Lucy spoke up, unfortunately causing Rose to jump. 

"I didn't mean to frighten you, little one." Lucy quickly apologized, Rose reassured her that it was alright. "My mama used to read me. I would love to learn to read." Rose let out sadly. Lucy took pity on the child and told her to come along. "What are we doing Miss Lucy?" Rose asked, as she took Lucy hand. "You, me, and Lefou are going on an adventure." Lucy hinted, with a wink. 

"What kind of adventure!?" Rose wondered out loud. Lucy couldn't help but not contain her laughter at her reaction. 

So, Lucy, Gaston, and Rose all ventured out in the vast courtyard, played hide n' seek, and many other games. Hearing Rose's bursts of giggles, was all that Lucy and Lefou needed to hear. After a fun afternoon, they all eventually decided to head inside and wash up and for a cool glass of lemonade. Lucy excused herself to go see how Gaston was doing. 

Lucy was so relieved to walk in to hear him still asleep. Lucy caused the bed to dip a little as she plopped down on the soft mattress. She watched Gaston sleep peacefully, his dark curls perfectly arranged on his face. "Gaston...oh Gaston..." Lucy whispered, as she shook him very gently. 

Gaston cracked one eye open and smiled up at Lucy. 

"So? How did you sleep?" Lucy grinned. Gaston continued to smile and then reached out his hand. which Lucy gratefully accepted and Gaston pulled Lucy down, laying her down beside him. 

"OOF GASTON!?" Lucy cried, with laugh or two. 

"Thank you, sister." Gaston whispered in her ear. 

"No problem, brother. I really do hope you will begin to take better care of yourself." Lucy commented. 

"How about a cup of tea?" Lucy suggested, and Gaston would only agree if Lucy would have one with him. 

"Of course." 

How could Lucy say no? 

After a cup of tea, Lucy left Gaston to get himself ready for dinner, as she had to go to the same. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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