Chapter Three

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Rose was not sure where she was at this point. It was hard to tell. All the room looked the same. And not to mention the fact that there were so many rooms and so many winding turns. She wished that Monsieur Gaston was here with her right now, showing her around. Now, she found herself on the first level. She recognized this part of the house which she trespassed just a few hours before upon her arrival. Despite, her disappointment her heart was filled with love for her father or the correct term, Monsieur Gaston.

Gaston confided himself to his room. He had so many thoughts running in his head. He needed everything to slow down. He couldn't get the enchantress' words out of his head. He also felt guilt after the way he treated, Isabel. That was no way to talk to a lady. Oh! What was he saying. He has said worse things to a woman's face it made him feel rather queasy. He did not know how he felt about his estranged daughter, Rose.

Just then, carriages were coming around to the house. The whole household could hear it from a mile away. It wasn't that hard to miss. Lucy and Lefou, Gaston's sister and good friend would come back from the trip to Paris. Along with them should be Lucy's lady maid, Plumette and young stable boy, Wesley. Gaston had completely forgotten about them. And, Rose happened to be in the front hallway.

So, as Lefou and Lucy entered, they were greeted by an unfamiliar face. "Who are you?" Lucy beckoned, also catching the attention of Lefou. "Oh! Hello there! I'm Rose." Rose covered her mouth with her hand, realizing she has probably said too much. "Bonjour Rose, if you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" Lucy, who was still very startled by this child, saw that she meant no harm. "I've said too much! I have to go!" Rose said, and she ran away just like that. "I wonder what her deal is." Lefou piped up. "Oh! Hush Lefou." Lucy swatted him in the shoulder.

"Are you quite alright, Madame?" Plumette questioned as she carried Lady Lucy's belongings. "I am now, thank you, Plumette. Let's go onto to my room, shall we? After that I need to go have a word with my brother." Lucy declared, turning right and ascending the winding staircase. "Why would that be Madame, if you don't mind me asking?" Plumette pressed her lips together, forming a thin line. "Personal affairs, my good woman." Lucy smiled warmly.

Once Lucy felt she was settled enough, she excused Plumette and went off to found her older brother. She knew in the back of her mind, he couldn't be too far. He only had a few hiding places in this big manor. The first place she looked was his bedroom. She knocked softly on the door, but she heard rustling sounds and then a voice. "Go away, Isabel!" Lucy knew that voice. "It is not I. It's me Lucy, Let, me come in, good brother." She coaxed. Gaston could not refuse Lucy's company.

Gaston opened the door for her. Lucy gasped at the sight of him. "You looked stressed. What is going on with you?" Lucy asked as she sat down on his lumpy bed. Gaston sat directly beside her on the bed. "I can't explain it fully, because you will think that I will have gone mad. But, there is something I need to tell you." After Gaston told Lucy everything, Lucy was left speechless. "What do you have to say?" Gaston sighed, sounding almost ashamed. "How come you never told me any of this?" The hurt was clear in her eyes. "It was a long time ago, and I did not think that this would happen." Gaston admitted.

"How long has she been here, Gaston?" Was Lucy's next question. "She arrived last night." Gaston told her. "She looks like you, you know." Lucy said. "You saw her already?" Gaston raised an eyebrow.  "You mean like I talked to her. Gaston, this is serious. What on earth are you going to do?" Lucy looked at him with big eyes. "At this moment. I'm not sure." Gaston answered dryly. "Oh brother. What have you done?" Lucy sighed sadly.

What had Gaston done? 

And alas, poor Rose. She ran as fast as her little legs could carry her throughout the house. She ran until she rammed herself into someone. Rose's eyes traveled up to who had stopped her. But, it was only Monsieur Lefou. "Well, hello there. It's Rose isn't it?" Lefou peered down at her with very kind and warm eyes. Rose simply nodded her head yes. "I'm Lefou. Would you care to join me in the dining hall?" He pressed, going as far as offering her his hand. "I would like that very much." She said, accepting his hand. Lefou was only happy over the fact that the oh so mysterious Rose placed her trust into him. 

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