Chapter One

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The fire crackled in the hearth of the woodstove, as puffs smoke escaped through the chimney. Monsieur Gaston sat by the candlelight in his study, as he much preferred, alone. It was late, and Gaston was aware that the servants should call it a day and retire to their living quarters. As a matter of fact, Mademoiselle Isabel pathed the narrow halls of the manor, one last time, before she herself would lay her head down. Not thinking much of it at the time, when Isabel passed the front door came a small knock. Isabel backed up when she reheard the knocking sound once again. 

Isabel placed her lantern on a nearby shelf by the door upon unlocking the door. When Isabel answered, she did not see anyone, at first. That was until she peered down and saw a young child staring up at her with bright blue  eyes. "May I help you?" Isabel knelt to the young child, who couldn't have been more than six years old. "Yes." The little girl that held a small suitcase and a loose envelope, nodding her head yes. "What can I do for you?" Isabel pressed her lips together, forming a thin line.

"I am looking for my father." She sniffled with a short and discontented sigh. "When did you last see him? Where is your mother?" Isabel asked, allowing the little girl's statement go over head. "M-my father he lives here! That's what they told me!" The little girl exclaimed loudly, as tears threaten to disperse from her eyes. "Calm down, my love. It's alright, it's alright. Are you sure?" Isabel raised an eyebrow, as she patted her back in attempt to shush her tears. "I'm positive. His name is Monsieur Gaston Legrand and this letter is for him." The mystery girl confirmed, slipping it to Isabel.

"Monsieur Gaston? Forgive my manners, but what is your name?" Isabel chewed the inside of her lip, accepting her letter. "My name is Rose Legrand." She expressed simply. "Oh, my Lord." Isabel muttered under her breath. "Come, come on inside. You've had a long journey I presume?" Isabel continued, as she stood up and urged Rose to come inside. "Oh yes mademoiselle." Rose nodded her head again, following Isabel. "Who brought you here, Rose?" Isabel proceeded to ask, as she and Rose traveled down the course of the hallway.

"A cab brought me here. They sent me off early this morning." Rose recalled briefly. "I see. Well, Rose I am going to have you wait here. Make yourself at home I guess." Isabel said, smiling down at her as she climbed up on top of the couch, nuzzling up by the fire. "Thank you. Am I going to see my Father?" Rose wondered curiously. "Soon, my dear. You will see each other very soon." Isabel replied, her throat suddenly going dry. "Oh okay." Rose shrugged passively.

"That's a very good girl, Rose." Isabel last said to her, as she walked backwards, facing her. Isabel turned on her heel and began running, not caring if she woke anyone in the process. She went to the first place that popped in her head. "Master, may I enter?" Isabel knocked gently on the door, hoping against hope. "Oui." Gaston said, gesturing for Isabel to come in. "Sorry to disturb you, Master but it is a matter of urgency." Isabel explained rather nervously. "Well, get on with it, Isabel. The cat doesn't have your tongue, now does it?" Gaston rolled his eyes, slamming the piece of paper against his desk, clearly perturbed.

"We have a surprise guest with us. They have just arrived and they brought a letter addressed for you." Isabel looked down, picking at her fingernails. "Well who is this that you speak of? And let me see that letter." Gaston knitted his eyebrows together. "She claims that she is your daughter. She says that her name is Rose." Isabel admitted truthfully. Gaston's face fell and his eyes began to search the room. "Is it true then, Master? Rose, is in fact your daughter?" Isabel realized, going by Gaston's reaction. "You don't know that? Can we really take a young girl's word for it?" Gaston snapped, scoffing. "Master where is this coming from?" Isabel folded her arms across her chest. "Nowhere, Isabel. Now if you'll excuse me I have more pressing matters to attend to before bed." Gaston huffed, gathering his papers. "Master, what do intend I do with the girl?" Isabel frowned. "I will allow her to stay the night, but we will get to the bottom of all of this tomorrow." Gaston declared, also excusing Isabel.

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