"You okay?", - Yura 

"I just don't know how to start again, Yura. I don't know how can I get back the company my family worked hard for and Luhan was just there, he just took it all at once", - Kris

"What's your plan now?", - Yura

"I don't know. I'll try to comeback tomorrow at the office", Kris said. Next day, Harriette was at the library studying when someone covered her eyes.

"Sehun, is that you?", Sehun smiled and he sat beside her.

"Do you know what's the date today?", - Sehun

"Yes why?", - Harriette

"Don't you remember anything today?", - Sehun

"I really don't remember anything for this day. All I know I really need to submit this assignment later at class. Come on tell me I'm not good at guessing games", Harriette laughed a little. Sehun look a little disappointed when he gave her three roses.

"It's our monthsary. You.... you forgot", Sehun left Harriette at the library and he walked away.

"Sehun let me explain", Harriette tried to follow him but he already left. Harriette also felt disappointed for herself that she forgot their monthsary since for Sehun, monthsaries are still important for him. At the building of Luhan's company, he just arrived at the parking lot when he met Kris again.

"What are you doing here?", - Luhan

"I am supposed to be the one who should ask that question to you, you thief!", - Kris

"Thief? You're calling me a thief now? I remember before you would call me "stupid and brainless". I like the new nickname you gave me, Kris", Luhan laughed when Kris angrily grabbed him by the collar of Luhan's suit.

"Do it, hit me or if you want you can try to kill me again just like what you did to me before you murderer! I guess this is the only way you can take back the company from me! Kill me.... do it, Kris! Do it!", Kris was about to hit him with his fist but Yura ran to them to stop the fight.

"You're doing this for revenge right? You want to take back Harriette from us? Don't you realize, Luhan? She's happy now without you. She's now happy with someone who deserve her more than you! So why are you still here trying to take her back? You're doing all of these for nothing!", - Kris

"Kris let's just go", Yura said and they left. Next day, Harriette decided to visit the coffee shop where she previously work to visit her best friend Suho and her boyfriend Sehun who still work there after his class.

"Harriette! I miss you so much! What are you doing here? Sehun has a work to do in the kitchen. By the way he told me yesterday that you forgot your monthsary. Out of all the things you can forget, why would it be you and Sehun's monthsary? You know monthsaries are still important and special for Sehun", - Suho

"I'm just really busy these days at the university reason maybe I forgot our monthsary. That's why I'm here to surprise him. I baked and decorated a cake for him and I bought his dream skateboard here as a gift since he gave me a necklace weeks ago. I.... I actually met him", Harriette suddenly said while she's fixing the ribbon on the skateboard gift that she will give for Sehun.

"Who?", - Suho

"I met him two days ago", - Harriette

"Correct me if I'm wrong, Luhan?", Harriette nodded when Sehun went outside from the kitchen to put the cakes he decorated near the counter so Harriette went to him.

"Happy monthsary! Better late than never right?", Harriette happily said holding a cake in front of him but Sehun just walked away.

"Look, Sehun I'm sorry okay? I was just busy in the university and I'm still coping with my uncle's death. Sehun please? Just give me a chance and I promise I'll never forget it anymore. I miss you", Harriette said so Sehun smiled. Sehun loves Harriette so much that he already forgave her and they became fine again after their misunderstanding but Suho just looked at Harriette remembering their unfinished conversation a while ago that she met Luhan so Harriette just gave Suho a glance to leave for a while. Meanwhile at Luhan's office he was just sitting in his office chair remembering what Kris said to him yesterday at the parking lot when someone entered his office.

"Sir Luhan I know you and Kris are in bad terms. I really want to help Kris. I just can't see him like this. Sir what can I do for you? Just to let Kris stay in this company? This company is a part of his life and he spent half of his life here. He done a lot of sacrifices here, even his own happiness and his family just please, let Kris stay", - Yura

"We're the same, Yura when you love someone you can do anything and everything for that one. I want you to call Kris, meet him and I want you to tell him--", afterwards, Yura went to her office to call Kris.

"Kris can we meet?", - Kris

"Sure hey are you okay?", - Kris

"Yes, Kris I'm okay don't worry about me. I love you, Kris always remember that okay?", Yura ended the call. Afterwards, Yura waited for Kris in a restaurant, finally he arrived.

"What's the occasion that you asked me out? You miss me?", Kris smiled but Yura was just looking at him.

"Are you really okay? When you called me a while ago I don't know why but I felt worried. Is there something wrong?", - Kris

"I'm really fine, Kris so.... shall we order now?", Yura changed their topic and ordered food but Yura want to tell something to Kris when a waiter from the restaurant put a plate on the table in front of Yura that was still covered with a lid. Yura opened the lid, she saw a red rose on the plate just like how Kris would give her roses before. Yura took the rose when she noticed that there's a ring hanging on the stem of the rose. Kris took the ring from her and kneel in front of her.

"There's a lot of people who already left and refused me but you're the only person who's always here for me. Yura I love you will you marry me?", Kris smiled.

"Kris I'm sorry", Yura walked away crying leaving Kris confused so he followed her.

"Why? Why, Yura? Please don't do this. Don't do this to me please? You made a promise you'll never leave me. Please don't do this, Yura", Kris said with his teary eyes but Yura just walked away. Yura was crying walking outside the rain as she remember what Luhan said to her a while ago.

"We're the same, Yura when you love someone you can do anything and everything for that one. I want you to call Kris, meet him and I want you to tell him that you're breaking up with him. Break his heart, Yura and I'll let Kris stay here in the company", Luhan said a while ago. Yura didn't notice that Luhan followed her in the restaurant and Luhan saw how Kris felt heartbroken when Yura left him.

"You finally knew how I felt before, Kris. Don't worry I'm not yet done with you", Luhan seriously said as he watch Kris from a distance with his teary eyes that Yura left and broke up with him.

Message: Sorry again for the wrong grammars. This story was made by my imaginations only. Don't plagiarize this story and don't translate it to other languages.

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