Chapter 19 Ending one. Sock it to you.

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Well, while i was writing this I couldn't decide which ending I wanted it to have. So i wrote both. Which one do you like? Which one do you think fits it better?

Chapter 19 ENDING 1 Sock it to you!

After two years of Elena's death. Zero and Yuki are finally a couple. They stay at the Manor together Just not letting anyone know the truth. Having to hide in the shadows. Zero still missing his wife. Feeling the effects of her loss. Just moving on. He and Yuki get along very well. Their children come over for dinner all the time. Having a normal relationship Able to make love and drink from each other at any time they wanted. Having the freedom they always craved.

Kaname comes in here and there Being very busy in the last two years, Not even chasing after Yuki. Which confused her. He didn't even say anything about Zero being there. It was like he didn't care anymore. It just baffled her as of why? He never wanted to let her go in the past. Always fighting it. Doing his best to keep them away from each other. Just now, he seemed so different. Even happy at times. Zero didn't seem to even get under his skin anymore.

Zero paid no attention to him. He could care less either way. He still hated him greatly. That never-ending or changing. Even though now he got his Yuki. Zero lived with a lot of regrets. Things he could never take back. That he wished He could of. He would find himself thinking over his past and just cry. At how dumb he was. He let his obsession almost ruin something that was so perfect. A love that was true and real. Never really seeing it, until it was too late.

One night while sitting in the parlor, Kaname comes home. All happy. 

"Hello, you two. I have invited someone over for dinner. I am sorry for the late notice. I wasn't sure if they were going to come or not."Kaname states.

 "Whatever. You don't really live here, do you think it's just ok for you to invite people over?" Zero states.

 "Last time I looked this was the Kuran manor Not the Kiryu. I still own it. I just don't wish to see you two messing around with each other all the time. Tonight is different."Kaname replies.

 "That's fine Kaname. I will tell the staff to set the table for another." Yuki answers. 

"Isn't he in a good mood? Did he get laid or something?" Zero responds. 

"Oh, Zero. Who knows. Can we just please have a nice evening? No craziness, please. He isn't really around to bother us anymore. I think one night should be good." Yuki comments. 

"If you say so. To eat with him is like choking. " Zero replies with a huff. 

"I guess no matter how long goes by. You two will always hate each other." Yuki remarks.

 "FOREVER. If he would have left you at Cross None of this would have taken place. Innocent people wouldn't of gotten hurt. I blame him for everything!" Zero shouts. 

"We had our own doing in it. It wasn't only his fault." Yuki says. Walking into the dining room.

As dinner approaches, Zero, Yuki and Kaname walk into the dining room. Zero and Kaname standing up talking near the fireplace.

 "You aren't going to make this a regular thing Inviting people over for dinner." Zero huffs.

"Trust me. No After tonight I don't think you will be seeing much of me."Kaname states.

 While they are talking someone walks into the room Standing behind Zero. Zero just thinking its a maid or someone bringing in the dinner. He just goes on talking to Kaname. Until a beautiful woman appears next to Kaname. Going up to Kaname and kissing his cheek putting her arms around him. 

"Hello, Zero," Elena says. 

Looking more beautiful than ever. She was back to the 18-year-old girl he dated. Standing there wearing a long black dress with a deep V neckline. Her long brown hair gleaming her eyes shining. He couldn't believe his eyes. 

"You're a vampire!" Zero shouts.

 "Why, yes. Thanks to Kaname I am. While I was at the hospital, Kaname asked me if I wanted to become one. I said yes. He turned me before I would die. He told me that I would get the life I deserved this time. He wanted to make up for all the pain I suffered in the last life." Elena says.

 Walking to the dinner table and taking a seat. Zero still not able to keep his eyes off her. Yuki not saying a word. Just watching.

 "Why not tell me? Why hide for two years?" Zero asks. 

"Because I set you free. You kept your word for once and stayed till I died. Plus Kaname had to get me used to being a vampire. It took a little adjusting. He didn't want me to go out and just eat people." Elena says with a smile. 

"Why? I never wanted you to be a vampire." Zero says.

 "Oh, I know. You never once asked me to become one. That would have just ruined your plans to be with your beloved. Now you have her. I hope she was worth everything you ever did to me." Elena Hisses. 

"I thought we were over that. We had a great marriage after our twins were born." Zero answers.

"Yea. Our twins. That wasn't really something you get over. Not to mention how happy, I have been for the last two years. Being with someone who actually cared for me and only me. Having them lust for only me. I have to say the feeling is incredible."Elena says. 

"No, Your not with him. Anyone but him!" Zero yells. 

"He was never as bad as you made him out to be. To drink his rich blood I never thought could bring so much desire. I see now why you like her so much. What it feels like. Now we both have it." Elena says. 

"Kaname you bastard! She is my wife."Zero huffs.

 "That never stopped you! You were always glad to screw mine. I guess now we are even." Kaname gloats. 

"IS that the only reason you did this?" Zero shouts.

 "No, unlike you. I did it because I really liked her. I saw what a good woman she was. How you hurt her over and over again. How she gave herself to you. How it was never enough for you. Yuki was no better. To be honest you both deserve each other. I fell madly in love with Elena these two years." Kaname admits.

"Elena, you feel this way as well?" Zero asks. 

"Yes After tonight you and Yuki will never see either of us again. We are moving to another mansion Our own. To live our very long lives. You and Yuki will be free of both of us. He is divorcing her And marrying me."Elena states.

Zero not even knowing what to think. In one way he is glad to get rid of Kaname. In another way, he can't believe he took Elena. The one truly good thing in Zero's life. Was she doing this to get back at him for all those years? If so it worked. Kaname yet again took something he loved. This time taking something that he finally learned he did love. Something he wished he never hurt. It was just too late.

After dinner, Elena and Kaname leave the Manor. Driving off into the moonlight. To never been seen. They had a long happy life together. Kaname giving Elena what she always wanted. Someone to love her and only her.

Zero stayed with Yuki they also lived together for a long time. Zero was happy but it was never like what he had with Elena. He still till this day regretted all he did to her. Just glad in a way she finally found peace and happiness. Just learning that what he wanted all those years, He already had. Just not with Yuki With Elena.


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