Chapter 17 Births

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Chapter 17 Birth

Once home, Elena's nerves are at there highest.

 "Zero how could you? Not even this you could make between us. Now she is even having your baby? I am supposed to raise her child." Elena grunts. 

"I am truly sorry, but thank you so much for accepting to take it. It means the world to me. We are trying to make things better. I promise you things will be fine. Please calm down. Focus on our child. The one that we made together. The one we both want." Zero says.

 "Do you? Do you really want a life with me? Or am I just wasting my time?" Elena says.

 "I want to be with you. I told you that before this. It was even my idea to have this child. We will work through this. It's like we are getting the child back that we lost."Zero replies. 

"I never thought of it that way. Zero if you ever go near her again it's over. I can't do this anymore." Elana states. 

"I won't." Zero answers. 

"Zero we will be having three children. We have a two-bedroom apartment. Where are we going to put them?" Elena asks.

 "Maybe it's about time we bought a home of our own?" Zero says. Holding her close to him. Rubbing her tummy and trying his best to make this better. Even though he knows nothing will ever fix this.

 "That sounds like a good idea. We saved enough. I will miss it here though." Elena says.

 We will start new. New memories. Good ones. " Zero comments. 

Elena sees a difference in Zero. One where he really wants to try. Is it because he wants her? Or because she is saving his child. One that otherwise could either get adopted out or hurt by someone. Who didn't like the union. Elena likes the idea of getting the child back that she lost. That Zero was thinking about that. That he never forgot. She knew this would be hard. Taking Yuki's child. What if it looked like her? It would be a constant reminder of what he did. Would he really stay away from her? So many things went through her mind.

After a few days, Zero sits down at his desk. His emotions are raw from everything taking place. The thought of Yuki sad and alone. Killing him. He couldn't help her. He couldn't go to her. It bothered him more than anything. So he figured he would write her a note. It would be better than nothing and let her know. That he is thinking about her. That he still cared.

My dearest Yuki,

I am so sorry for everything that is taking place. I am sorry you have to deal with this all alone. I wish things were different. I didn't mean to stand there and not come to you. I just had no choice. If I would of, it could have set her off to not take our child. I do have to think about her. She is my wife. I have done things to her, no one should do to someone that loves them. I know you are hurting. So am i. I just want you to know. I will take our child and raise it. You will not have to worry about it. It will be safe. I will forever love you.


Zero gave the note to Kaien to give to Yuki. Knowing he would go see her. Kaien giving Yuki the note. Her understanding of his actions. Just glad their child will have a safe home.

Before the birth of both Children, Elena and Zero go out looking for a new home. They find one and get it right away. Since they are working with little time. Zero pretty much does whatever Elena says or wants. Knowing that he owes her big time. Not wanting to rock the boat, or do anything to make her miscarry. It was a consistent worry of his. Since she found out about Yuki and his baby. He knew that would be the last straw. He didn't want that. He wanted this child with her. He truly wanted to make up for everything. Just not feeling he really ever could.

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