Chapter 1 Time

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Please note. I am just starting this one. Please let me know if you like it and even want me to continue. Comments are needed and welcome.

Chapter 1 Time.

Its been a year since Yuki left Cross with Kaname. Zero was left to take care of the night class, Being on the disciplinary committee. Headmaster Kaien Knows that Zero will need some help. Even though Zero refuses. Saying he is fine by himself. Kaien goes over Zero's head, Getting a fellow day class student, Elena to help, Zero with the job. At first, Zero was his regular nasty self. Ignoring her. Telling her, He didn't need her help. At the same time trying to fight his feelings for Yuki, and also his need for blood.

Elena is eighteen years of age, long brown straight hair, Brown eye's petite frame. She is on the order of Yuki some. Which only caused Zero more pain. Elena ignores, how rudely she is treated by Zero. She has been at this school long enough to know. That is how Zero treats everyone. She has been watching him for years. Falling deeply in love with him. Just never saying anything. Before she never had the chance to get close to him. Yuki was always in the way. She knew and saw that Zero had feelings towards Yuki. Now that she is gone, Elena feels, she has a chance. She is just taking it slowly. Showing Zero, That no matter how nasty he is, She isn't going anywhere. Which in time, Zero has gotten used to her being around. Helping him take care of the night class. She will tell him stories of her past, or of the day. Zero will just sit and listen to her, Not really talking much. Still his quiet self.

Its been a year that they worked together, Making Zero a little closer to Elena. He doesn't bring up Yuki Or even speaks of what took place that night. Elena doesn't ask. Zero tries to hide his true nature, Not wanting her to know, that he is a vampire. Doing his best to curb himself. Forcing himself to take the blood tablets. He is also working for the Association now. So when he hunts level E's He drains them. Taking their blood so he doesn't hurt anyone.

On his trips out for the Association, he often thinks about Yuki. How she just left him. Going with the snobby pureblood bastard of Kaname. Just thinking about it, Makes Zero's blood boil in his veins. How Kaname has taken everything. That Zero loved away from him. Hating him even more than he has before. Also feeling mixed feelings towards Yuki. He still craves her blood. At bedtime having dreams about her, Wanting her. Needing her. Just knowing that it will never happen. He still has night terrors, which Elena knows about and tries to help him with. Coming in and trying to get close to him. Which has taken some time Zero is even more closed off than he was before. Feeling anyone he has loved will leave him sooner or later Scared to even try to get close to anyone. Not even believing their intentions. Yet, Elena kept trying this whole year. Doing her best, to comfort Zero, When he needed it.

Zero sees something different in Elena's actions. She is different than Yuki. When she lays close to him, he can sense a want, A desire. She just controls it. Trying not to frighten Zero away. He can smell it on her though. Not really sure, if he is sensing the right thing. It confuses him, that another living being, Would want him in that way. Still seeing himself as a monster. Just figuring she doesn't know what I truly am. Otherwise, those feelings wouldn't be here. Zero can't deny. No matter how hard he tries. That her laying close to him at times. He has the same desire. Which only confuses him more. Since he thought, he would only have that with Yuki. He just scenes this time, the person on the other side, feels the same way. Which only scares him more. He just shrugs it off, even telling Elena to not always come into his room at night. That he will be fine. Not to worry about him. Which she can't help herself and she comes away. Zero sees a stubbornness in her, that he saw in Yuki. The goodness in her, Even with his hard exterior, he can't help but smile. Thinking about how Elena tries her best to make him happy. Even when he is the nastiest ass you ever want to meet. Which he was very good at.

 There were times, he would see her get sad. She would turn away as if what he said truly hurt her. Yet, she would push it down, Staying by his side to prove she was there for him. There were even times, he saw tears. No matter how fast she was to wipe them away. Zero just couldn't understand it though. Why would she feel this way? There were even times, he regretted being so cold. He saw himself not really liking when she was hurt. He just couldn't help himself. It was hard for him to let anyone in. He figured in time. She would get tired and go away on her own. How long was she going to want to be on the disciplinary committee? Putting up with all the crap Zero throughs at her. In a way, it was his own test. To see how much should put up with. She was suffering from what Yuki did. Leaving him all alone, Forgetting his existence.

She reminded him of Yuki a lot. In her looks, her stubbornness, Her kindness. The only thing was, she wasn't obsessing over someone else. She never talked about another man. Never looked at anyone. She spent all her free time chasing after Zero. Trying her best to get his attention in more than one way. This was very new to Zero. There wasn't Kaname looming over him anymore.

Then Zero would think. Kaname got the girl, He won. He got want he wanted. She chose him. How could she? Then she was a pureblood now. She was what Kaname was. Why was he even thinking about her?

9570a67fa2acc1465a3cb803dff84500I'm serializing this work on Webnovel. Head over to Webnovel for the other chapter updates!

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