My Life, My sorrow. -2

334 22 1

Sorry for the late update. 

Love Catfish!

This chapter is dedicted to 


I stepped into the street reliving the day’s events, my heart strings pulled as I cautiously, reluctantly relived the horror of seeing Sebastian again, not only that, but the thought of him being my boss’s son was too much. I skipped into my car and made my way to the bar.

I let the valet deal with the car as I made my way into the upscale business. There I met my client, a Middle Eastern oil mogul from UAE. I exchanged kisses and a firm hand shake, continuing the evening on borrowed energy. I left the meal, thankful at its success, yet drained beyond belief.


The door to my flat was open! I panicked at the thought of an ambush. At a tender age, I was drilled on security threats and how to deal with them effectively. I was on full alert as I made my way to the kitchen.

“Nice place you have here.”  I was stunned at the rustic voice, turning around to see Sebastian standing there. I knew it was his voice but wanted to make sure that it was really him.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned, annoyance laced in my tone, “And, how did you get in?”

This egotistic bastard couldn’t understand the scare he put me through moments ago, how did I tolerate him before? Did he want to hurt me? It wouldn’t be the first time.

I took my jacket off, loosened my tie, “Why are you here?” I could feel him closer to me.

“Why where you out tonight?” he questioned quickly.

“Company business.” I responded, faking confidence.

“LIES!”  He boomed, scaring me.

“I asked my father if you had any meetings tonight and he said no.”  He continued composed.

“Can’t I dine out after work?” I responded quietly, my heart pounding inside.

“You will never change, you conniving, lying, gold-digger….”   I phased out, surprised at the amount of hurt he could still inflict on my raw heart, using those small, insignificant words. I hated myself for being weak, weak for him.

I guess I still loved the asshole. I can’t, I wouldn’t! But yet I was sane enough to know you cannot fight love. And that was my tipping point.

“Get the fuck out!” I screamed.

I wanted to cry, defying the male stereotypes, fuck them all, I thought, every one society made up,enforces, to   constrict me.

Sebastian did not move at all instead he decided to push the knife further, “The truth hurts, my little prince.” He made his way to me, taking my head into his hands then pushing me into the crease of his neck.

 I missed his touch, he changed his cologne based on his moods but I preferred his natural smell. I relished moments like these.  I took them for granted in the last relationship and regretted it. I regretted the whole relationship. 

“Get off of me!” I attempted to push him off with the last bar of energy in me, but his grasp was too strong.  I was too tried, emotionally, physically thus my defeat was eminent . I savored his closeness, the contact ….drifting to sleep in total euphoria. I remembered nothing until I woke up the next morning.

I was naked.

What happened? Did anything happen? The questions where endless and the source of the answers was nowhere to be found.

I made my way into the modern white kitchen, coffee was already brewing and the red paper was very distinct on the tiles

                               “No, nothing happened, you were tired

                                I undressed you and cuddled. I was clothed.

                                Made you some coffee, just the way you like

                               It. We still have to talk.

                              P.S: nice tattoo.                                    "                            


I was red from embarrassment, I blush very quickly and being pale, it was pretty easy to see my bashfulness.  

I knew I still loved him, my mother was right, hell, she is ALWAYS right, I LOVE the bastard. However I will never allow my self to be treated like that again, the hurt that came with that alliance was deep and still crude. 

Fuck his letter I will not see him again, I do not have anything to discuss nor did he.

I dialed my security expert and arranged all the locks be changed and a new security system put in place. I will never allow this infringement to occur again.

I picked up my file, jumped into my McLaren P1, made my way to work forgetting everything about Ryan.

For the moment at least.


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