Playing it Back in my Head-6

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I got ready to spend the weekend with my family, it was our traditional once a month meet up.  I arrived early to help  my mother Maria cook. It's our small thing that we had.  Ever-since she married my father I would always help her in the kitchen. It afforded  me a time to bond with her as I was always busy. 

Max had invited a special guest and with the help of our maids, me and Maria  made a tasty meal. I always had a good hand or at least that is what Maria told me, weather it be gardening or cooking I was a professional, I guessed being a perfectionist paid off.  

I  remembered when I enjoyed cooking, when it was done as a service to the man I loved.

 I  cooked  for  Sebastian, I made it an effort to have dinner with  him even if he came home late. It was our time to sit and talk about our day as his schedule was packed while I had school taking up most of my time.

I knew how hard he worked, he showered me with gifts, paid for everything. Even though he ripped my heart apart, destroyed everything we worked for,  I'm still grateful for everything he has done, he made me into the man I am today .

After he threw me out, I knew I had to never put myself up for failure. I failed not because of him but because I became too dependent, I never dreamed or if I did dream it was all throw out after I met him. 

I never want to have to feel, helpless, poor or hopeless again. I want to be my own person not a boy that can easily be picked up and throw out without a place or anyone  to turn to . I still cry when I remembered that night. I want to forget everything, his anger, his face , the brute  words he used to describe me.   

For the fist time in my life I felt scared, alone, my virtues attacked. I was a good person, I never stole, never took anything that didn't belong to me, I was faithful and loyal, I stood by the people I loved, I loved him. 

I remembered him coming into the house closing the door, I had heard him pull up in his car so I decided to set the table  and take out his food. Its tradition in my family to take out the food and serve our guest or significant others. Its a small way to show we appreciate everything they did for us.

 I appreciated   him very much,  I would have given him my life and I did, I didn't have any goals, I had nothing to work towards when I was with him.  I was satisfied with  my position, that changed when he wrongfully accused me  and threw me out. 

It was time to grow up and be a man, to stop relaying on  people and start propelling my own life. The first night on the street was the hardest, I've been cushioned my entire life, surrounded with love and comfort. I sat on the side walk in-front of his house crying, not knowing what to do, where to go.

 I  quickly got a small apartment as I  scoured the city the next day. I  didn't want to burden my father who objected to me having a relationship vehemently .  Dad is not anti-gay but when he did a background check on Sebastian he knew he was bad news.

 I made him swear he would never approach or relate that I was his son to Sebastian.  Thus when I was throw out on the street I refused to call my father,  I didn't want to hear "I told you so". 

He knew we ended and he knew the circumstances, my entire family knew. They knew that I never talk about him, to never bring him up unless I want to. It is a touchy subject.

"Glenda is our guest, Mr. Grey here?" Maria asked the maid.

"Yes Mam',  he is in the den playing monopoly with the family."

It couldn't  be, my heart began racing, pumping out of my chest. Not in my house, my safe-haven, with my family. A pang of pain and adrenaline coursed through my body, my legs became weak from fear not knowing how he would  react.

How could Max do this to me? I questioned. Maria came over and hugged me.

"I know how you feel baby, but it's been years. You have to learn to get over the past and be stronger. Remember  your family will always be here for you. We know who you are. I know that you're the perfect son I've ever wanted.  Me and your father are proud of you."  

"I'm okay" I replied hugging unto her small frame. I knew that he was insignificant, he was the past, yes we had sex two days ago but he was probably  over me.  Knowing  the sex crazed maniac he was I shouldn't even be thinking about him.

 I shouldn't give him this much power over me.  I detached myself from Maria and shot my siblings and father a group message.

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