Chapter One

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Chapter 1

‘So you’re telling me that you would rather date Angelo, the dorkiest guy in the school, then Chace Crawford, the sexiest man alive?’ Paige asked incredulously, her eyes comically wide in shock.

‘Looks aren’t everything Paige.’ I shrugged, keeping my eyes trained on the stone as it collided with my foot. It flew a good ten yards before hitting the ground. ‘Besides, Angelo is really nice.’ I felt the need to defend him.

‘You say that because he’s the only guy you talk to apart from your brother.’ She said defiantly. I resisted the urge to strangle her. As much as I loved my best friend, she could be very shallow at times with such a brooding, narrow view on life. ‘I say that because I know him and because Chace Crawford is just another celebrity bathing in money due to good genes.’ I muttered grumpily. I didn’t mean to snap, I just couldn’t help it. Come to think about it, I had been quite snappy lately. I’d definitely have to do something about that. I couldn’t let my life at home interfere with my life at school.

‘Whatever you say Rosie.’ Paige responded distractedly. I glanced up in curiosity, immediately sensing the distraction in her voice. Predictably, her eyes were focussed on the flock of shirtless guys playing soccer in the park. Internally groaning, I hooked my arm through hers, already knowing where this was leading.

‘No.’ I said shortly, answering her unspoken question.

‘Oh come on Rosie! Lighten up! You’re almost eighteen. Live a little!’ she said, throwing her hands up melodramatically. I shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest. I didn’t have time for boys. ‘I get that you’re not looking for a relationship right now, but watching incredibly hot and incredibly shirtless guys for a few minutes won’t do you any harm.’ She said with a self-satisfied nod.

Letting out a defeated sigh, I cursed myself for giving in so easily. Sensing this, Paige let out an excited squeal, immediately dragging me to one of the nearby benches. I begrudgingly sat beside her - not that I had much choice in the matter seeing as she practically forced me down alongside her.

Not even ten seconds after I found a comfortable position on the seat, a searing pain shot through my left cheek as a ball slammed into it, awkwardly sending me toppling over the back of the bench. I let out a strangled groan as I reached my hand to my throbbing cheek. My eyes darted from the merciless ball as it tumbled away, to the approaching guys that had been playing soccer, and finally, to my ungraceful position. In listing my most humiliating moments, this definitely took home gold.

Getting to two feet, I brushed off my jeans and hooded jacket. Beside me, Paige was freaking out. I couldn’t tell if she was more concerned about the pain and humiliation I was in, or the approaching guys.

‘Oh my god Rosie! Oh. My. God!’ she bantered on. I glanced at her worriedly, but her eyes weren’t on me. Trailing her gaze, my eyes landed on the one and only Ethan Carter standing only a few feet away. A few of his mates joined him, all grinning horrendously. Feeling uncomfortable under their amused gazes, I stared at my feet, fighting the primordial blush that had ambushed my cheeks.

A voice was cleared and my eyes snapped up to the amused ones of Ethan Carter. A smirk was plastered on his un-fairly handsome facial features. I allowed myself not even a second to check him out. His blue eyes, his messy blonde hair, the beads of sweat on his forehead, his chiselled jaw, and lord-behold, his perfectly toned chest and six-pack. My eyes returned to his perfect, blue eyes that shone with amusement. Frustrated with myself for being caught out, I directed my attention elsewhere.

It would be a lie to say I wasn’t intimidated by Ethan Carter. I was a strong girl, and I held my ground, but I was Rosie Hastings – the nobody – and he was Ethan Carter – the town’s signature badass.

‘You do realise I’m not going to apologise, right?’ he asked, or more like stated, arrogantly may I add. I glanced at him in shock, no coherent responses forming in my mind. ‘It’s your own fault.’

‘How is it my own fault? You’re the one with the terrible aim!’ I fumed. For a fraction of a second he looked surprised by my response but he quickly composed himself.

‘You’re the one that likes to creep on guys in your spare time. I know I’m good looking and all, but babe, you just don’t do it for me.’ He said smugly, his eyes scrutinising my body. I stared at him incredulously, caught between spitting in his face and kicking him where the sun didn’t shine. I regretted doing nothing at all.

‘What is wrong with you? You think that I like spending my time watching arrogant assholes like yourself trying to play soccer?’ I caught myself before I explained that Paige was the creeper in this situation. She definitely would not be happy with me if I did that.

‘You’re pushing it thin Hastings.’ He said, taking a menacing step toward me. Never in my entirety of high school had I seen Ethan Carter get angry like this. He was the bad boy at school - always getting in fights, always getting expelled and always getting in trouble - but he usually had a ‘couldn’t care less’ attitude. It was hard to believe that it was with me of all people that his anger was directed at.

‘Oh yeah?’ I challenged, taking one daring step closer to him. Our noses were only mere inches from each other as I peered up into his raging eyes. ‘What are you going to do about it Carter? Go to Mummy and Daddy?’

‘Everyone knows you’re just a poor, low-life wannabe. My parents could bring you down in seconds.’ Pain lashed through my chest at his comment. ‘Not that you have far to go.’ He muttered. I narrowed my eyes at him.

‘Yeah well at least everything I’ve had I work for. I don’t rely on my parents to buy me cars that get me laid and money to end your potential fatherhood when you knock girls up.’ I muttered.

‘At least I get laid.’ He shot back.

I didn’t plan for it to happen. Honestly, I didn’t. In fact, I didn’t even realised it was happening until I felt my fist collide with his left cheek, the sound of its impact echoing in the warm winter air. Withdrawing my hand to my side, I leaned forward, my lips just barely brushing against his ear.

‘Now we’re matching.’ I whispered.


Hi guys!

Just a quick note! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's short - i know! But chapters should be longer and more interesting after this!

Dedication is to @Resident_Reaper whom created the incredible cover for my story! Thankyou so much! Everyone, follow her! :) xx

Have a good day/night xx

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