spooky space staion~

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(3rd pov)
The station was themed for a festive occasion such as this.
The halls had projected images of pumpkins, scarecrows, and some skeletons here and there. Everyone was gathered in one room watching eachother and chatting. Everyone had received a small package from family since their stay had been extended. "Zane you and kawai chan are the last ones to open them come on!" Aphmau said dancing around in a purple princess dress it fit her like a glove. She had exclaimed earlier that the fabric was like a delicate silk. Nana turned her attention to her gift. She held in her fear as she opened it not making it to loud, so no one would notice. Just in case it was a cruel prank from her brothers. Instead she saw a neatly folded gown pure white inside was a note, "Dearest kc, we have set you a special present. One that we hope will make you smile. Love your little brother, Nate" She smiled as she delicately picked up the gown. she noticed a potion it also was white pure, and beautiful the vile it was held in a vile decorated with Angel's wings. She put the gown and vile in the box and went behind a curtain, that had been set up for dressing, as she carefully put on the gown. She felt beautiful for once she and she loved it. Her smile widened. Her heart rate increased as she walked in front of zane who was still talking to Aphmau. She gently tugged his sleeve to gain his attention, like a little child who wanted to show you something special, he looked at her in awe and under his mask smiled, she blushed knowing he now had his full attention on her She slowly showed him the vile she delicately held in her hands which in contrast to his were a bit smaller. He delicately picked it up and put a little on her head. Ribbons of gold surrounded her she felt nervous. she was lifted in the air she gently held on to Zane's sleeve she fell into a soft sleep falling into zane's arms. A few moments later awoke from her soothing sleep. She was glowing her eyes held visible kindness and she had a small halo hovering over her. The most visible change was the small wings on her back that grew once she was fully conscious. Zane gazed into her eyes She blushed but the blush only made her look more innocent. She got up without making a sound and picked up his box and gently handed it to him, "Your turn." She whispered to him He nodded scared that his lips would deceive him. He gently opened it inside was a folded in was a tux. He saw a note with curly letters he immediately identified it as his mother's, "my dear Zuzu, Mommy wants the best for you. This tux will make her fall for you instantly. Love, mommy." He took the box and got dressed behind the curtain. Nana waited feeling slightly impatient went to check on him only whisper "zane, may I please come in?" She heard no reply so she said to herself, "just a peek." She looked behind the curtain to see him adjusting his sleeve she noticed muscles, that she would haven't never noticed, she stared. Then noticed his arms littered with scars old and new ones. His words echoed from the night of their breif kiss "it was like I lived in his shadow..." she set her fears aside and hugged him "Nana?" He questioned as she looked him in the eye "I care about you." Nana says softly her gaze softens as she speaks, "maybe even more then I would anyone else." He stares at her "Nana, I don't know what to say." Zane says she smiles softly, "Make me a promise." "What? What are you talking about?" He said confused, "promise me to never leave, and tell me if it hurts. I want to help. I care about you." She held his wrist He stared this was a promise they weren't meant to break "I promise." His mouth spoke for his wandering mind, "Thank you, Zane." She hugged him tight. He nodded in agreement "Hey look a vile. It looks kinda like mine but different." Nana said with interest She picked it up and poured a little on his head. He winced in pain looking up he had a tail with horns on his head. They were black he felt like a monster. He backed away from Nana as if not to hurt her. His eyes white like when his anger took over. She stepped closer and saw the fear in his eyes, "Don't come. Stay back I don't want to hurt you again." He hid his face in shame. She reached out "Don't leave, Zane. I care even now, your going to be ok." She said as she touched his hand. Something changed he was surrounded by the same golden ribbons as her. It changed his appearance to more human. He was amazed just like her. They stared at eachother in awe. He hugged her, she laughed. "Zane, let's go back to the others." She said still laughing he nodded they left holding hands "you know I wouldn't say this to anyone else, but I would like to be more than friends." Zane said as she laughed "sure." She said still laughing "Thank you, Nana." Zane said as they joined their friends..

Maybe this is the beginning of a good relationship..

Shout outs! ♡
Thank u for the Halloween suggestion!

Shout outs! ♡Thank u for the Halloween suggestion!

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


Thank you so much!

And another shout out to
ScarletWrite thank you ScarletWrite for telling me you liked the fan fiction! Anyways sorry I ran out of excuses for being a lazy writer.
Bye~ thanks for reading.

Lopmon♡ has left the chapter

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