a little fun never hurt

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(Kawaii~chan's pov)
Only a few more days to be in space and so far it's been a strange experience nothing that I would've expected. My mind drifts off into more thoughts. Then it hits me like a ton of bricks.
Zane has been weirdly different since the day we met, like his attitude changed. Hm I'll look into it some how.

(3rd person pov)

Zane looked out the window thinking.
His mind wandering through a maze of topics. His mind always came back to one topic (or person). The bubble gum mei'fwa, why was she so optimistic? (Most times)
Both of them had questions,

questions neither knew how to answer clearly.

(Aaron's pov)
"Aaron listen to me!" Aphmau whined "I am listening to you." I said calmly
"Ok, well why not have another movie night! you know to lift everyone's spirits after all the stress." She suggested "remember last time." I said reminding her of all the girls (except katelyn) were crying by the end of it." I reminded her "oh right. Hmm then why don't we-" "why don't we let the boys choose?" I interrupted her "fine you choose." "Oh and it has to be something we will all enjoy!" She added "deal." We shook hands and began to plan the small event.

*time skip cause brought to you by a new phone!*

(3rd person pov)

Everyone  gathered into the dark room and sat around on the floor and faced certain directions while they  were put into teams of 2. Before they saw who they were partnered with "Ok you might be wondering why you have all been brought into this dark room. Well I have some fun things planned for tonight, and we want you all to enjoy some fun and games! We also want to make sure everyone knows this is JUST a game, no need for foul play! TRAVIS I'm talking to you! Ahem rules are: have fun, DO NOT cheat and lastly team with the most points wins! obviously. Anyways let's get started!" Aphmau exclaimed excitedly then the lights flashed on and the teams were revealed
the teams were a mix up but almost planned "Zane and kc are team black! travis and Aaron are team Red! Ace and katelyn are team blue! Me and lopmon are team purple! Now the first teams to compete will be teams black and blue! Begin!" they dashed to the game console and picked up the controllers a game showed up mortal combat "Yes!!! I love this game!" katelyn yelled "I used to play this all the time with my brothers!" she smiled "your team is going down Zane!!" Ace said smiling "we'll see about that Katelyn!" kawaii chan grinned
the players were chosen and the game was intense katelyn and zane spammed the controls zane won some how he somehow mastered all the combos.
next was kawaii chan and Ace it wasn't hard to know who won this time obviously it was Ace making it a tie, after almost a whole day of playing the winners were... team red with an unbeatable score. "red team wins! congrats guys." Aphmau congratulated the winners and they had a great night. 


sorry this is mostly a filler but I hope you at least slightly enjoyed this as much as I did writing it! bye~

Lopmon♡ has left the chapter

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