faded scars

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(Zane's pov)
It had been an hour since they put us in here Kawaii-Chan had a sad expression on her face her eyes watered they looked like ambers from a fire slowly burning I realized I was staring I turned away from her "what?" She had a hint of anger in her voice "Nothing." I made sure to sound rude "you're just like high-school!" She said as anger raged up in her voice "I never knew you in high school I only met you yesterday!" I yelled back she had tears flowing "Remember that rainy day when you threw a rock it hit someone's windshield and caused them to crash-" my heart sank my chest felt hallow I remembered all to well "I-I tha- it can't be no..." I felt my words stumble upon each other "I was in the passenger seat of that car! my mother died that day all cause of you!" She cried my eyes began to water feeling the guilt wash over me take hold of me I did something I never thought I'd do I hugged her "I'm sorry I know saying sorry can't change my mistake the life that was taken that day can't be brought back, but remember all your good times with her.. I am truly sorry I wish I never did it" the tears escaped from my eyes as she gave into my hug "I... It's hard to forgive, but I think I'll try to forgive you.. I'm sorry for yelling at you please forgive me.." She said as she calmed down "your slip up is adjustable, but my mistake is permanent." I said she leaned against me "But there's no reason to cry my mom was forgiving she probably forgave you it's my turn though.." she wiped the tears on my face with a little piece of my mask she gave me a said smile "did you get hurt in the crash?" I asked she nodded "Sadly yes-" "did it leave a scar?" She looked down "yeah.." she said sounding tired "can I see?" I asked she blushed and mumbled "yes" she pulled at her sleeve to reveal a slanted scar that carried through on the back of her shoulder "It looks bad doesn't it?" She said covering it back up "Not at all" I say she yawned "You can take a nap if you want..." I say as she lays her head down on my shoulder and slowly falls asleep "Thank you Zane.." her voice faded off I soon began to fall asleep as well...

(Aphmau's pov)
I know I shouldn't have but if I'm gonna have Zane on my team I need him to open up I need to be able to trust him

That's all for today's chapter guys tell me in the comments what I should do next chapter anyways I also wanted some back story for KC hope you enjoyed
Lopmon♡ has left the chapter

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