Chapter 3: Game

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Out of pure shock, I flew back a few feet and abruptly fell into the ocean below, having lost concentration on keeping flight. The sight as I looked to the sky above from underwater stirred something in me... I remembered something.

I was looking at the surface of the water- much like I am now- only, the hair that floated around me wasn't blue, it was brown. The sky was an ugly shade of gray beyond the veil of the ocean and spewed harsh bullets of rain, clouding already violent waves. A small, blurred figure sat in a boat. I could barely make out the silhouette of a person -a child- I recognized them as someone who was very clearly in distress. I could feel fear gripping my heart. Wether it was mine or theirs, I didn't know. I couldn't care about myself right now. All I wanted to do was help, but I was stuck, the usually warm embrace of the ocean felt menacing and wrathful. I was shackled to the very thing that freed me most. I felt suffocated by the curse to watch as the clearly grieving shadow rowed away.

Although it felt like there was supposed to be more to this, that the memory was unfinished, I was torn out of it and pulled out of the water, my body laid out on the sand by cold hands. The grip left my body and I soon heard rambling from behind me. It was all scattered as I tried to piece my own brain back together. Was that a memory, a dream, or a vision? I couldn't tell. The rambling in the background became clearer with the dissipation of my nebulous thoughts.
"Okay... think... what's the only logical explanation for someone to be very clearly flying and able to see and hear me... No... she can't be- " the sound of the gears turning in his head hurt my ears as he came to an answer, "-she's a spirit!" He paused once more, "crap... I almost killed a new spirit!!" I heard more pacing near me in the sand and groaned in annoyance.
"Just keep on pacing. Don't help me up or anything!" I muttered, pulling myself off the sand. He snapped out of his small monologue and rushed over to me, "No no. No." I held a hand out, "I can pick myself up juuust fine. And for future information? I can't drown, asshat," muttering the last part, I heaved myself off the sand and onto my own two feet, brushing away the sediment that clung to my wet figure and forcing the water droplets off my body onto the ground. When everything was sure to be in order, I looked back to my peer from the park.
He stared back in awe and astonishment, mouth ajar for a moment. The novelty of being heard and seen had worn off in a few moments of being near him. Although, I must admit it was reassuring to see another spirit that wasn't one of the guardians. I outstretched my hand in hopes he would take it and introduced myself, "Delilah, spirit of the ocean. You are?"
He snapped out of it (finally) and took my hand, shaking it, "Jack Frost. What I do is all in the name." Now, it was my turn to freeze.
So this was a guardian. Crap. My jaw slackened and my eyes went wide as my thoughts were manifested in just two words: "oh shit."
Jack chidingly waved his finger at me and laughed, "No cursing. There are children around!"
I stared at him for a moment as I attempted to stifle the panic rising in my chest, sarcasm shortly thereafter flowed from my mouth, "Forgive me for cursing like a sailor. I'm so rarely around company," I drop the hostility, shifting to be matter-of-fact, "not like they hear me anyways."
"You're right... I-I forgot, my bad." He added.
"It's fine! It must be hard for people like you to remember a time where no one could see or hear you-"
"-Hey! That is so not true! I've only been at this thing for three years!" I wanted to scoff and say that must be nicer than over three centuries of complete isolation, but I was beat to it, "I doubt I will ever forget what those 300 years felt like. Now I can't say the same for North- oh my gosh I have to introduce you to everyone! Of cour-"
The mention of other Guardians lead to a spike in my heart's pounding, I tried to play it cool, "Jack, love the enthusiasm, I think it's great, but I don't think it's best for me to get to know the others."
"Why? Are you avoiding someone? If you have beef with the rabbit I promise you I've done worse!"
"I mean I do, but that's besides the point."
"Oh-hoho you've got to tell me more. You can't just leave it at that!"
"I've got enough going on here, crossing parts of the world daily with only me and Manny to keep up with the tides, and if I'm going to be honest you all have a lot going on around you. I do not need another set of responsibilities on my plate!"
He looked baffled, "I'm sorry, continent hopping and doing whatever it is you do to change the tides does not seem like a whole lot."
I'd been found out. "Alright just look. I don't think I'm a good fit for the whole belief system and junk. I just want to live my life the only way I know how to, which means for the most part spending my time alone, Jackie." I pat him on the shoulder at that last part before taking to the skies and heading toward the pier. I find myself atop the roller coaster, hoping the conversation was finally over. I wasn't that lucky.
Jack walks along the nearby tracks, as if he were a tightrope walker, "Okay okay. I respect the desire to avoid the whole hard work and deadlines vibe the rest of them give off. I do." Plopping down next to me, the chill he brings to the air is more noticeable as the sun sets. "But, what am I supposed to do if someone brings you up? Or if you get chosen to be a guardian? Hm? Do I just play dumb as if none of this just happened?" Jack smugly awaits my reply, leaning back on his arms and swinging his feet back and forth over the ledge. I sit quietly considering the options.
Life would be much simpler if I just carried on as though today never happened. Others just make things so much more complicated. Then again, it would be a relief to be seen and heard. I had almost forgotten the value of those two things until today. Interaction is something I didn't know I'd missed.
Not satisfied with giving him the last word though, I pipe back up, "It would be an absolute shame to ruin so many years of me operating under the radar. Let's see how much longer I can keep this up, yeah?" I stand and offer Jack my hand, pulling him to his feet as well. Before he can raise any questions, however, I carry on, "I challenge you, Jack Frost, to a little game."
Now it was my turn to tightrope walk on the rollercoaster's tracks, "I'm sorry did you just say this is a game?" He questioned.
I pivot on the balls of my feet and allow myself to fall over the edge of the track, the wind catches me and brings me back up "Yeah, why not?"
"Well for starters-"
"Pardon me... am I no longer speaking to the spirit of fun? Where's your sense of adventure? This can be just like a huge game of hide 'n seek. And if you find me? Congratulations. You've won..." I hold out my hand to him, "come on, what do you say?"
I receive an intrigued stare, "Well what does the winner even get?"
"Only the ultimate reward — bragging rights."
He sighs before placing his cold hand in mine and shaking it firmly, "Alright... count me in. Just know I won't go easy on you."
"Wouldn't dream of it."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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