"Sir, I'm really worried."

The man gave a sigh in defeat. "He's in school. He greeted me as he entered his class a while ago. He wasn't feeling to well before this class so he's at the nursery."

Hyunjin let out a deep sigh in relieve. "I thought he went missing."

"I'm glad there is someone who is looking after him. He has been quite lonely lately." The teacher gave a smile as he placed his hand gently on his shoulder.

Hyunjin bit his lip before saying: "I'm trying."

"You're a really good friend." His smile was warming.

"we're not really friends."

The teacher gave a weird face. "Well, whatever you guys are, you're really nice to him. Take care of him."

"I will."


Hyunjin had absolutely no idea what to label the relationship between them. He kind of considered them as friends but something was missing to complete that label. He just didn't knew a lot about the boy.

He wandered through the school in hope to bump into the boy he has been searching since the morning.

He went to the nursery, just to hear that Seungmin just left because he was feeling a bit better.

Hyunjin actually hated it that he didn't knew Seungmins schedule. He swore he had music classes now but it didn't made sense.

"It's so funny to be honest," Hyunjin walked to his locker as he passed a group of girls. "That nerd from class 5 cried like a retarded kid. What the hell is wrong with that weirdo." He opened his locker and accidentally caught a glimpse of their conversation. He didn't wanted to get involved into this and get into a fight but his hand slowly formed a fist, he was mad. He almost felt the steam escaping out of his ears.

He threw his locker shut with full power. "Dare to say that again." Hyunjin pushed all the girls aside to go to the person who actually said it: the most popular girl, YeEun.

"Oh, good morning to you too." She smiled brightly like nothing happened. It was disgusting.

"Cut it cake face. What do you know about Seungmin?"

"Is his name Seungmin?" YeEun let out a laugh. "It's ugly like his face."

"Dare to say that again." Hyunjin mumbled under his breath as he expressed pure anger.

"Why are you mad?" An other girl asked. "You bullied him a few days ago. Don't pretend that you care."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Changing the subject, huh?" His eyes were fierce and were so clear to read. "Tell me where he is, don't let me repeat again."

She rolled her eyes. "I saw him leaving the school building minutes ago."

Hyunjin grabbed his bag and was ready to run after him until YeEun grabbed his arm. "Anyways, let aside the unimportant stuff. when is our date?"

"The moment you fix your attitude." Hyunjin said before leaving the spot. He didn't even noticed a big crowd has already formed around them. He pushed them aside harshly, he didn't even cared about being nice. He just wanted to see Seungmin.

the boy in the rain ✘ seungjin Where stories live. Discover now