You said both of us

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𝒯𝑜𝑜 𝓂𝒶𝓃𝓎 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒𝓈, 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒻𝓁𝑒𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝒾𝓇𝓇𝑜𝓇, 𝒽𝒶𝓈 𝓁𝑒𝓉 𝓂𝑒 𝒹𝑜𝓌𝓃.

Jerome gazed up at the mouldy ceiling and sighed. He thought he should just get up and clean himself up since he couldn't sleep, even though it pained him deeply to move. Jerome lifted
himself up and climbed down his bunk bed, within each step he took it felt like it was getting harder to breathe. The leg movements crushing his already damaged insides. He took each step slowly and heavily as his body could barely handle it. Lila had clearly fell asleep as there was no sign of laughing, so it was safe to walk to the so called kitchen and grab some cold peas. Even though Jerome knew she was passed out and sleeping like a log, the thought of walking near her almost took all of the remaining breath out of him. He kept dragging his feet by, scrunching up his face as if it would stop the aching pain. Jerome looked to his right and saw, like predicted, a passed out Lila and surprisingly Zach was still there too, blacked out along with her thankfully. But Jerome still went as quick as he could and opened the fridge elegantly and grabbed the cold peas. When he shut the fridge Zach made a noise which made Jerome freeze. After standing there for a few minutes Jerome dragged his body along to the bathroom.
He looked up at his face in the mirror. All he could see was crimson marks all over him as if he'd bathed in red dye. Jerome turned the tap on, washed his hands then threw the cold water on his face, it burned horribly and he even let out a small scream of pain. Immediately regretting making a sound incase he woke up the wine bibbler. Jerome grabbed some toilet roll and stuffed it all in his mouth while he scrubbed his face clean so he couldn't wake up his fears. Jerome then careful lifted up his shirt to see if there was any blood to be cleaned up. But there was just cold colours laying there, bringing his body down as they were causing agony. Jerome then picked up the peas he left on the toilet seat, pulled the toilet roll out of his mouth and put it in the toilet, not flushing it for obvious reasons.
When Jerome made it back to the beds, he tried to get up the ladders but he couldn't, it was too excruciating. So Jerome just looked at the bed below his, noticing a pair of glasses next to them, then a wet drip fell off of his face and onto the floor as his mind kept thinking about the past. Jerome got into the bed even though he really didn't want to but it hurt too much. He placed the peas on his stomach as he only had one packet and that area was the most painful. After fighting with his brain for minutes, Jerome decided to give into his mind and let the recent events recall.
"Goodnight bubba, I will get us out of here don't worry." He said as he kissed Jerome on his forehead. Jerome let out a smile as he was rarely given affection and it was nice to know someone cared and would help him, especially when that person went through it with you and comforted you all the time. That night Jerome closed his eyes and fell straight asleep with a smile, only to wake up a few minutes later to a screaming Lila and a funny smell. Jerome climbed down the ladder in a hurry to check on his dear brother. "Jeremiah?" Jerome whispered but noticed that he wasn't there and that the smell was coming from his bed. He ran out the room to make sure his brother was safe. He found his brother and mother together, Jeremiah had seemed to be crying. Jerome tried to run over to him to comfort him as he wondered who hurt his brother again, But before Jerome could touch him he was pushed away from him by his mother. "YOU YOUNG WRETCHED CHILD STAY AWAY FROM JEREMIAH!" Lila shouted. "What?" Jerome silently whispered with a aching heart. Lila grabbed Jerome violently by the wrists and said "Trying to light his bed on fire! YOU'RE LUCKY I DON'T SET YOU ON FIRE!" Jerome didn't understand, why on earth would he do that. Lila held Jerome up against a wall, facing Jeremiah. Jerome stared at him with tears shooting down his face. Zach came in and grabbed Jeremiah and said to Lila "Don't worry the orphanage is far from here" and smiled. Jerome felt broken, His vision was blurred from tears as he started kicking and screaming, trying to break out of Lila's arms. "You said you'd get us BOTH out of here" Jerome said softly as he could barely breathe let alone shout to his brother. Jeremiah walked out the house coldly, not even looking at Jerome as if he didn't matter to him at all.
Jerome shot up from the bed and immediately got out of it. He couldn't sleep in it, he couldn't think of him. It hurts too much.
Instead Jerome laid on the cold hard floor and cried and cried. Not caring if he woke up Lila, he silently hoped they'd finish the job so he couldn't feel the pain, both emotional and physical.

Jerome cried himself to sleep that night, and perhaps he would for the next few nights ahead of him.

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