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Harry looks up at me, still holding the ring up, I feel like the time is going so quickly and I have to decide right at this second.

"I- I don't know." Is al that I can get out. That's is the worst response to a proposal.

Harry's smile faints away and he looks confused,

"You don't love me?" I see his eyes eyes tearing up

"I love you, but I just.." I didn't even know why marriage seemed like the wrong thing to do, the person in my mind was Edward.. what was he doing there?

"What is this about? Is this about Edward?" He asks, why would this be about Edward.

"Edward? I have barely even talked to him what are you saying?" I'm getting frustrated,

I get that he's sad and angry that I didn't say yes to his proposal but accusing me over nothing?

"I see how he looks at you." Harry says

"Bull shit.." I mumble

"I mean you're fucking perfect Brie, why wouldn't someone want you I just fucking hate to see how he looks at you like he just wants to rip your clothes off and fuck you." Harry's speaking through his teeth.

"No he doesn't!"

"Why are you denying this? You know he likes you, I can see it, you can see it, everyone can see it!"

"Well you're being delusional! Gosh Harry why do you have to be so obsessive and jealous?" I don't even feel bad for him anymore,

if he would've acted like a normal person, maybe I would've felt sorry for him but now he's just being a douchebag.

"Obsessive? I just asked you to marry me and wanted to know why you're saying no if you love me like you said, and you're saying I'm being obsessive? You know what, maybe it was good that we didn't get married after all."

"Yeah, maybe it was!"

I storm out of the room, why is this elevator so damn slow I keep pressing the button but decide that the stairs are quicker option.
I had forgotten that we were in like millionth floor so when I finally get to the lobby I'm totally out of breath.

I rush out and walk down the street for good ten minutes before my anger starts to fade away and I see clearly again, but not clearly enough to know where I am.

Oh for fuck's sake, I was about to call an uber but only to realize that I had left my purse to the hotel. I start walking back to the direction where I taught that I had came from but ended up in front of 24/7 diner.

Well I guess my luck is turning in some way, though only if someone in there let's me use their phone so I can call Harry.. oh, right, I can't do that.

I walk in and there's only two costumers and bored looking barista. I hope that they won't recognize me, not that I'm famous but I really don't wanna be associated as a Harry's girlfriend right now.

"Excuse me, ma'am? May I borrow your phone, I lost mine and I really have to get home."

"Sure. You buy something, you borrow the phone."

"I- I don't have any money.. I really need to use the phone for only few seconds.." I start to sound desperate, not that I'm not.

The lady sighs and hands me the phone:
"Fine, you have one minute."

"Thank you so much I-"

"50 seconds.." she looks at me and I take the hint and quickly dial Harry's work number,

I know that he doesn't carry that cell with him and I'm only hoping Edward would pick up for him.

"Hi." I hear a man's voice. And sigh in relief to recognize that the voice belongs to Edward.

"Hi, this is Brie, emergency, you have to pick me up I'm in-"

I look ask the lady the address and I only got time to say that to Edward when the lady wrenches the phone out of my hand.

"You're minute's over."

"Thank you.." I walk out, I'm not sure if Edward got what I was saying, if he didn't I don't have the sense of direction to know where to go."

I stand outside the diner for only like five minutes when I see familiar car - Harry's car, driving towards me.

I wave at Edward, who I see is driving and he looks at me lifting his eyebrow and slows down.
He rolls down the window and says:
"Sorry, I don't take hitchhikers."

"Ha ha." I roll my eyes and open the door.

Edward looks at the diner and then me.

"I see why you wanted to ditch your date, that place sucks." He really is full of jokes right now but I can't help but laugh.

"That's not that, Harry had gotten us this boujee hotel and it was really pretty." I tell him.

"But?" He waits for the story to continue

"He proposed and I said that I don't know. That, for some reason made Harry think that it was because of you." I look down embarrassed.

"Because of me?" He looks at me, he's not smiling anymore, this is again one of his emotions that I can't read.

"It wasn't." I say, Edward looks away from me squeezing the steering wheel and hits the breaks, making me almost hit my head.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I look at him.

"Sorry, my foot slipped."

For the rest of the way - so for about three minutes, we drive in silence and Edward park the car back.

He walks few feet in front of me and doesn't say anything. I feel uncomfortable cause he's not talking to me so I take few running steps to catch him up.

"What got into you? Did I say something?" I take his arm making him slow his steps.

"Nothing." He shakes his head.

We arrive to the bus and as we step in I see someone sitting on the couch.

"Fuck. I forgot to tell about Marcel." Edward mumbles.


heyy I low key, high key ship Edward and Brie<3
Ahhh i have this idea that I want to write already to this book but it's too sooonn ://

Hope you like this, thanks for reading, please vote and comment! :)


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