Chapter 4

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It was a beautiful sunny morning and me and my wife were the happiest we can be.

We haven't had the chance to have a real vacation for a while now and we were glad to be given a chance. Although we had plenty of time at home Suyin decided the best place to do her makeup was in the car.

"Why couldn't you have done your makeup at home??"

She finishes applying her lipstick.

"Because I feel comfortable doing the makeup at the car mirror because I do it so often now"

I gave her a slight eye glance.

"I see that"

Startled "what??"

"I see that eye you gave me"

"How you were literally staring at the mirror"

"I got eyes all around me"

I just gave her a slight nod. Which I assume she saw

The road trip needed to last about an hour so we had time to kill.

"It's funny how we picked a road trip to be our honeymoon"

I chuckled

"Yeah, but it's 3 destinations though so" I said shrugging my shoulders

She nodded in agreement.

Soon the traffic was beginning to pile up and Suyin went to sleep.

It was agonizing but the traffic eventually cleared and I drove off again.


We made it to our destination!

The first view was amazing and I really couldn't believe just how big it was.
I poked my wife as she was still sleeping away

"Wake up!"

She opens her eyes

"We're here?"

I nodded and pointed at the big sign.

"Wow" I thought

We sat there for a few minutes to admire the amazing view. Shortly after that we went to the hotel. It was a part of the resort so it had many Disney themed things like tables and food items. We checked into our rooms.
I got a little secret to tell you, to be honest I never likes hotel rooms they give me the jiggle. I feel like there never clean and that I'm going to get a disease from this place. Truly a disgusting thought indeed. Suyin on the other hand however

"Omg Jonas look there's this cute Micky mouse shaped candle and soap" she said as she shows me the ridiculous amount of germs that thing probably has.

"Mhmm. Very nice" I said giving a thumbs up.

We decided to settle down for a couple of hours before going to the Disneyland itself and enjoying ourselves.

I felt like I was in an heaven (covered by germs of course) and I was relieved and happy to have been here with my beautiful wife.

The thought that I would never have this scared me.


"Suyin look" I pointed as a huge rollercoaster came roaring down on us.

"LETS RIDE IT!" I said with great joy

She just looked shocked and scared at that huge upside down torture device.

We played for a couple of hours and went to have dinner at a nearby hotspot. The food they said was very good and they have a gorgeous view of the ocean. What's more it's on a Ferris wheel. Let me explain so each individual little ride has a table and a window. It's very nice and the ride goes by very slow as to not spill the food and make us throw up from motion sickness. It's stable and you eat as your being moved by the big wheel.

This doesn't exist (I think) I just made it up

As I sat there eating my food I see Suyin looking at me with her cheeky smile, words really can't describe how much happiness I was having.

"look Jonas were at the top"

I looked over to the window and saw the great ocean view.

Wow I thought.

Something caught my attention


I looked up at her

"Are you okay"

I nodded my head and smiled trying to convince her I just saw something weird and it probably wasn't something she needed to be worried about.

For a moment there I thought I saw something that looked like a shark.

But it was way too big to be a regular shark.

We finished our meal and head off to our hotel.

I was sure that I was imagining things as I thought of it even more.

Why would a shark be so close to the land? It wasn't normal shark behavior at all.

We went back to the hotel and I went right to the bed.

Whatever that thing was it's not going to ruin me from my sleep, I thought as I slowly drifted to sleep.


Thanks to someone who commented on this story I was able to find the picture I was looking for so now I can continue to write about the second destination of the honeymoon.

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