"What was it like back in Wonderland?" Apple asked.

"Well it was different, I never really fitted in. I mean I'm not crazy or 'strange' if you like and that's considered weird in Wonderland. I was always the more sensible one, people couldn't believe I was the younger sister out of me and Kitty!"

"Kitty's nice but she has a mysterious and slightly mean side to her."

"Yeah, she was hurt as a child. Everyone teased her and she started to hate herself. So she vowed to try and mess up everyone's lives like they did to her. That's why she's a always playing pranks and stuff."

"Wow, I didn't know she had such a hard past," Apple said quietly, "well I vow to be the nicest possible to her now!"

"No Apple, don't. She likes how people treat her. She's never been attention seeking and will blame it all on me if suddenly everyone's nice to her."

"You guys don't really get along do you?"

"It- it's complicated." 

We walked back to EAH talking about mainly things Apple got awards for.

"Here we are!" She said cheerfully.

We walked up some stairs and through a corridor lined with doors. We stopped at number 26. A strong scent of something baking was wafting through the gaps. Apple knocked, a girl with bright pink hair opened the door.

"Hi Ginger! This is Katy, your new roommate!"

The girl, Ginger, opened the door wider an smiled.

"Just in time! My muffins just came out of the oven," she said.

Another girl This time with purple and white streaked hair.

"Melody Piper," she stuck out her hand.

"Katy," I said shaking it.

"Well I'll leave you to get sorted and come back in a bit to show you to your class!" Apple gave me hug and waved goodbye to Ginger and Melody.

"Come in! You must be famished!" Ginger said taking my bags.

The room was small but big enough. Two beds stood on opposite sides of the room, it was as if they were two different rooms. One side was pink with sweet and creative decorations and the other side was more modern with block colours like dark purple, yellow and white. Another bed was against the wall making the room a bit more full but that side was blank.

"Do what you want with it." Melody said noticing my expression.

"What can't I do?" I asked.

"Nothing except don't start taking down walls" Ginger winked.

I took a deep breath, "ok."

"Before you start your project have some food," Ginger said handing me a plate of muffins cookies and delicate pastries.

"Wow! Thank you so much!" I said with a mouth half full.

Ginger beamed. I set down my plate and got to work.


Time skip

Finnished! I looked at my work impressed. I had put on my bright mandala quilt cover and placed my cushions into comfortable positions. Next to my bed I had put a hanging half egg shaped chair and placed my hextbooks on the black desk. The wall was now painted a light grey and the bed frame was painted black like the desk. A few posters and pictures were hung up and I had placed a small hanging crystal chandelier over the bed.

"Wow, girl that looks amazing!" Melody said taking off her headphones.

"How did you do that in three hours?" Ginger asked staring in awe.

"Well I learnt from moving around from place to place all the time how to make myself at home more easily," I replied collapsing onto the bed in exhaustion.

"I'll text Apple and say your sorry you couldn't go to class and that you were decorating your room. She'll understand," Ginger said taking out her Mirror phone.
And Apple did understand, they agreed to meet up the next day and go through classes. But until then I was going to relax and eat some more of Ginger's treats!


Two chapters in one day! I'm very impressed with myself. This chapter is basically about Katy starting to get settled and Kitty's odd dream. . . I wonder what that's about? Well you'll have to wait and see! But until next time,






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