Cheeseball and Dimples | KNJ x Reader

134 3 4

Prompts used:

47. "How long have you been standing there?"
48. "I'm in love with you"
127. "Why did you kiss me?"
144. "Why didn't you tell us you two were dating?"
211. "Welcome back. Now fucking help me."
229. "I hope I'm never stuck with you on a deserted island."
233. "Enough with the sass!"
240. "I'm not buying ikea furniture again."

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ . ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

"I am not buying IKEA furniture again!"

You raise your eyebrows in amusement and as you hear the shout of frustration coming from his room.

It's been a while since you last saw your best friend, Joon. He's been away on tour and you've just gotten back from a much needed break for about two weeks.

Missing his company and wanting to hear all about what has been going on from his tour, you headed over to the boys' dorm and are currently leaning against the door frame, listening to the cursing and swearing of your best friend.

Who is currently sitting in the middle of the floor, parts and pieces scattered all around him, curses spewing as though he is in one of his concerts rapping his parts.

"Why the hell is this so complicated?! I just need a chair that functions! Is it too much to ask for simple instructions? Part A goes into part B, this goes there and that goes there! Why are the damn diagrams so complex?! And there are no numbers or labels on any of the parts! How the heck do I know shit about this?

I'm not a f**king craftsmen or carpenter! What in the bleeding world is a crossscrew?? Jesus! Why are their stuff so damn flipping flimsy in the first place? If the previous chair hadn't broken in the first place, I wouldn't have had to go to the bloody store, in the bleeding cold, get shoved left right and center in the flipping crowd and then get hit in my f**king balls! And now this! I have to come back and get into this f**king crazy mess! I should have just bought a readymade one! Why the f**k didn't I just do that and save myself all this g*****n grief?!?"

"So why didn't you? It'd have saved me an earful too." you voice out in amusement.

"Jesus effing Christ!" he jumps about a mile up in the air as he turns around seeing you in the doorway, "how long have you been standing there??
You scared the f**king living daylights out of me."

"Language Joonie tsk tsk."

At that, he just looks at you expectantly, both of you staring each other down.

"What? I don't even get a hello anymore?" you smirk at him, knowing exactly what he expression was.

A plea for help.

"Welcome back, now f**king help me." he deadpans

Your eyebrow goes even higher at that, amusement lacing your voice "Dude, I can't fix myself a proper lunch without burning something. What makes you think I can fix up a piece of furniture? In fact, you're me in the male form, why in God's name did you ever think for a second that you could do this in the first place? The fact that you break your glasses on a weekly basis, that your figurines falls to pieces at any given time, that you *broke your chair*. Seriously, why do you even bother?"

"Are you f**king with me right now? You're like the black pot calling the kettle black right now."

"That's what I just said...? Joonie come on, we've known each other long enough that I hope I'm never stuck with you on a deserted island, fervently. You agreed with me. Yoongi is a much better choice."

"Oh Y/N, enough with the sass, I'm already miserable as is."

"So... you don't want your present then?"

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