Arryn nodded, thanking her once again. "Stay safe, okay?"

"I will. Promise me you'll come back," she whispered.

"I promise."  Confidence sounded in her voice.

And with that, Arryn and Austin set out into the cold downpour. Arryn's clothes were still damp from earlier, quickly becoming soaked again as the monsoon continued. Austin snatched the bat out of the trunk and handed it to Arryn. His fingers clutched the gun, appearing ready to fire at a moments notice.

"Which way should we go?" Arryn asked curiously. Her eyes flicked in both directions as she teetered the bat back and forth in her hand.

"We'll head back towards town. Who knows how far another gas station is on this stretch road."


How did he keep such a level head during all of this? I could barely bring myself to press an elevator button earlier. He just seems so... prepared.

Austin lead the way with her following close behind. Every clap of thunder, in addition to the sound of leaves rustling in the heavy wind, put her on edge. She couldn't help but scan her surroundings every five seconds. Flinching at the sound of twigs snapping in the woods. Paranoia that something was watching her increased with every stride forward.

After several minutes, the heavy rain slowed to a light trickle. A few cars drove by- none of them stopping to help. One car, probably mistaking them for zombies, had intentionally veered in their direction, trying to hit them. A dive into the muddy, flooded ditch saved them from becoming roadkill.

With thick chunks of mud coating their clothes and skin, they continued onward. Austin pulled her behind trees and bushes a few times as a rabid or two ran by until the coast was clear.

Staying quiet and low, they made their way back into town. A brown welcome sign, along with a gruesome sight came into view. Vacant cars blocked the roadway. A sheriff's car sat in the middle of an intersection, lights flashing, but no officer in sight. The water flooding the streets appeared to be tinted red. There were no bodies on the road-only chunks of red meat and various articles of clothing stained red with blood.

"How did this happen so fast?" Arryn wondered out loud as they walked past the sign.

"The virus is spreading faster. It's mutating, becoming more resistant to our body's defenses. With each bite, it grows stronger."

"How- how do you know all this?" Arryn asked, brushing her hand over her scratch which was now a dull throb.

" I did some research after Sonny. Apparently a lot of scientists have been trying to get the word out, but the government refused to spread the truth. They were scared it would cause wide spread panic. They thought they could contain the outbreak, but it spread too rapidly for them to contain it and develop a cure."

"Where did you read all of this?" Arryn asked baffled.

"An outraged scientist posted a blog on the web last night."

"That's-" She was cut off by a hand clasping over her mouth. Austin quickly pulled her behind a car.

"Rabids," he mouthed, pointing towards the other side of the car. "A whole pack."

Sure enough, a whole horde- maybe about six- were swarming one car down one of the side streets. Inside was a terrified man. Arryn couldn't quite make out his features from this far away, but could tell he looked young.

"He- he needs our help," she whispered, looking back at Austin.

"We would only attract more if we fought them." He looked conflicted as he spoke.

"What if we don't fight them?"

"What do you have in mind?" He seemed genuinely curious at her proposition.

"What if we caused a distraction, just long enough to get him out?"

"It's risky, but I don't want to leave him here. I can't imagine how painful it would be to die that way," Austin whispered.

"Hey look, a shotgun." Arryn pointed towards the police car. A shotgun sat mounted, facing upwards, in between the front seats.

"That could come in handy."

"What if we turn on the siren? Maybe the noise would distract them, or at least some of them anyways."

Austin pondered for a moment, biting his bottom lip in thought. "It's not the best plan. Turning on that siren will more than likely bring more of those hellish things in. But it could work, and I'm willing to take that risk if you are?"

As if on cue, a drop of rain hit her arm, irritating her scratch once more. I could already be dead. Saving anyone I can before that time comes is something I plan to do.

"Let's do this."


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