Part 3

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This one's for Hayley-Shell! It's people like you who make me feel appreciated and inspire me to get better! Your comments make my heart happy! Thanks love ❤

"I can't believe I am gonna be a grandpa", Noah stated excited. "I can't believe I am carrying a child", Stiles sassed, then smiled and then started crying. Noah immediatly got over to him and pulled him in his arms. "Hey, hey", he tried to calm him down "it's gonna be okay". "It's just so much", Stiles sobbed "I don't know how to handle this alone". "You are not alone, Stiles", Noah looked at him intendly "I am and will always be here for you and for your baby. Come what may". "I love you so much, dad", Stiles said and immediatly started sobbing again. "I love you too", Noah smiled "both of you". Stiles calmed down after a few minutes and they both sat down. "How far along are you?" "I...I am not sure", Stiles sniffled. "When did you and know", Noah looked uncomfortable. "I guess around two months ago", Stiles said after thinking about it for a moment. "How did you even find out that you might be pregnant", Noah then asked. "Well....", Stiles trailed off. "You googled your symptoms, didn't you", Noah asked laughing a bit. "I did", Stiles actually did laugh too "then i searched pregnant males and drifted into pages and pages of mythology". "And then you broke", Noah started but got a glare from his son "you not broke into that store". "Yes", Stiles nodded "and I really need that snickers now". He started munching on it and his father smiled at him. "Your mother used to eat those when she was pregnant with you", he told him. "She did?", Stiles asked. "She would be so happy", Noah admit and Stiles smiled. "Dad?", he then asked hesitantly. "Yeah?", Noah looked at him. "Would you acompany me to Deaton?", he whispered "like...for a check up and be sure?" "Of course", Noah said without even needing to think about it. "Thanks", Stiles hugged his dad real tight before they made their way over to Deaton.

"Hey Alan?", Noah called his old friend when he slowly made his way into the room where he was working. "Oh hey, Noah. What are you doing here? You don't have any pets, do you?", Deaton asked. "No I don't. But we kind of have a...situation back here", Noah carefully didn't use the word problem for Stiles' sake and gestured for Deaton to the front of his clinic where Stiles was currently sitting. "Stiles?", Deaton asked confused. "Oh hey doc", the pale boy looked up to greet the veterinarian. "What seems to be the...situation?", Deaton remembered Noah's words. " are not really sure and everything...", Noah started to avoid saying what's the matter. "I think I am pregnant", Stiles just blurted out and Deaton made wide eyes. "You know that's biologically impossible?", Deaton reminded him. "You know werewolves are just a myth", Stiles stated to defend himself. "Touché", Deaton smiled and waved for them to follow him into the back of the clinic. "Do you mind telling me the whole story behind this?", Deaton asked and Stiled sighed but told him about Derek nevertheless. "You have to promise me not to tell anyone about this", Stiles pleaded. "I promise", Deaton said so sternly that Stiles believed him. "Thanks doc", he smiled and Deaton gestured him to lie down and lift his shirt up. "Then let's have a look", he said kind of enthusiastic. "Did you ever have a case of...this", Stiles asked unsure. "Yes, I actually met a pregnant male once but it was a witches curse and not a werewolf thing", Deaton explained. "Did he...did he make it?", Stiles asked with his eyes closed. "He did", Deaton smiled at the boy softly and as he saw that Stiles opened his mouth again he added "the baby survived too". Stiles let out a breath he had been holding and nodded at the man in front of him. Deaton put some gel onto Stiles' belly and then put a wand on it. A picture appeared on the ultra sound machine. Also there was a tiny little heart beat to be heard. "Is this...?", Stiles stared at the screen wide eyed then at Deaton. "Congratulations, you are gonna be a father", Deaton said smiling and Stiles started crying. "No don't cry, everything is gonna be fine", Noah soothed him but Stiles smiled. "Those are happy tears, grandpa", he said and that's what got Noah to cry too. "Are you sure you don't want to tell Derek about it? Alphas can only get...", Deaton started but was cut off by Stiles. "Doc, please don't. I know you are all right and that I should tell him but I can't. The rejection would kill me", Stiles intended. "I really don't think he would reject you", Deaton said softly. "That's really nice of you to say but I know Derek quite well and he's not the type of guy who wants to be surprised by a defenseless kid telling him they will be having a baby together", Stiles cried some sad tears now. "I won't tell a thing", Deaton reassured him and Stiles attempted a smile. "Okay so you already have two month of the pregnancy behind you as it seems. That also means you will slowly start showing soon. I will give you some vitamins to take. No pain killers, not too much physical activities as sports, not too much caffeine and no raw meat. I would suggest you come every two weeks for a check up because well, I don't really know about male pregnancies. What I can tell you is that werewolf babies, also when a human carries them, take the normal nine month to carry. So I think it will be like a normal pregnancy except...", Deaton gave him the information. "Except that I am a guy", Stiles finished. "Right", Deaton said. "Thanks for this", Stiles smiled at the man who gave him a bottle of vitamins. "You are welcome. Oh and don't forget these", Deaton handed each of them an ultrasound picture of the baby. "Thank you, Alan", Noah smiled and then left the clinic with his son. Deaton shook his head and talked to himself in the silence of the room. "Oh, Stiles. You should tell him. Alphas can only get males pregnant if they are their mate".

Don't ask me why Deaton has pregnancy vitamins in his clinic...

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