Part 1

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"Sheriff?", Deputy Parrish knocked on the door to the sheriff's office. "Yeah, what is it?", Noah dropped his pen to look up at the opening door. "I thought you might want to handle this situation on your own", he said vaguely and Noah was confused. What situation? He stood up sighing and went over to fully open the door. When he looked into the police station his eyes nearly fell out of his head. Sitting in front of him was his son in handcuffs. Something he really never wanted to see. "Hey dad", Stiles looked to the floor angrily. "What is my son doing here? Cuffed?", Noah asked his deputy and Parrish looked away as best as he could when a woman spoke up. "He broke into a store in the next town and stole some things", she informed the sheriff. "I did not steal", Stiles defended himself. "What? Why would you break into a store, Stiles?", the sheriff asked more confused than angry. "They were closed", was Stiles' only answer while he shrugged. "That's...", Noah pinched the bridge of his nose "get him in my office, Parrish". The deputy nodded and helped Stiles stand up smiling at him. Stiles and Parrish got along pretty well,  none of them wanted the other to get hurt so they both just did what was expected from them and got into the sheriff's office. "What exactly happened?", Noah asked the woman who turned out to be from the police station of the town over. "Well actually we can't really accuse him of anything. I just wanted him to learn his lessons by dragging him over here. I didn't know he was the sheriff's son", she explained. "What do you mean you can't accuse him? You just said he broke into a shop and stole things", Noah asked. "Yeah, well. The kid who was working last forgot to lock the store so he technically didn't break in", the woman stated and then continued with the second statement "also he left a note saying 'I took some things, here is the money' next to a twenty dollar bill on the counter". The sheriff laughed. "Yeah, that does sound like my son", he got serious again "thanks for bringing him over". The woman nodded and left along with another policeman that had accompanied her. Noah sighed and shook his head before he looked around the room. "Don't you all have some business to do?", he asked his deputies that were all looking at him expectandly. They all hurried to look away and busy themselves with something on their table. The sheriff rolled his eyes and turned around to prepare for the talk he was about to have with his son. He opened the door and saw Stiles looking sad next to a caring Parrish. When Parrish noticed the sheriff he smiled at Stiles again and whispered "whatever it is, it's gonna be okay" followed by a disbelieving huff from Stiles. Parrish then nodded at the sheriff and left the room. Noah got over to his desk to get the keys for the handcuffs, then knelt down in front of his son to open them. "I didn't break in or steal anything", Stiles confessed quietly. "I know", Noah said "the woman told me how you left money on the counter". Stiles nodded. "What I don't get is why you got in there in the first place?", Noah asked his son, not getting the situation clear in his mind. "Can we just not talk about it?", Stiles asked and the hurt in his voice was so obvious that Noah hesitated a moment before he said "we really have to talk about it, son" as soft as he possibly could. Stiles sighed not daring to look his fathers into the eyes. "I just wanted a chocolate bar", he mumbled. "You wanted a chocolate bar?", Noah asked incredulous. "Yeah, i really wanted a snickers. I don't understand the problem anyway. Neither did I break into that store nor did I steal anything", Stiles explained. "Let me get this straight", Noah rubbed his hand down his face "you drove a town over, to go into a closed store to get a snickers and pay it with a twenty dollar bill?". "Yes", Stiles sounded not quite sure of his answer. "Are you kidding me?!", Noah yelled in frustration. Stiles flinched at his reaction and closed his eyes, squeezing them shut tightly. "I'm sorry", Noah said and sat down beside his son "Just...Why are you lying to me?" Noah looked at his son puzzled. They didn't exactly lie to each other anymore. Once they got the whole supernatural best friend lie out of the way they have been really honest to each other. "I just really don't want you to hate me", Stiles whispered and the way he had said it made Noah's skin shiver. "I could never hate you. Do you hear me? Not ever", Noah lay his hand on his son's shoulder "just talk to me". "I just...", Stiles started but was cut off by his father. "Please don't tell me again you wanted a snickers", Noah rolled his eyes "I can see that you are hiding something from me. And not only in the metaphorical sense. I can see that there is something in your sleeve. I just wonder why the policemen that picked you up didn't notice. But based on the fact that you left twenty dollars on the counter it can't be another chocolate bar, if you even got one in the first place". "I did", Stiles smiled weakly and pulled a snickers out of his hoody pocket to wave it in front of his father's face. "So what was the other thing?", Noah asked softly again. "Why are you so good at your job", Stiles frowned and Noah smiled a little proud. "Will you take it out or do I have to?", he gestured to Stiles' sleeve and the boy shook his head. Stiles put his hand into his sleeve to pull out a box. He closed his eyes when he handed it to his dad, preparing for what was to come. "Stiles?", Noah looked at him confused "why did you steal a pregnancy test?"

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