4. Dumbledore vs A Ward

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[ Now it's time to rise up
Or it's time to stand down
And the answer is easy to see]

||«"Can the lord of Hogwarts be Scottish?"»||

Harry no longer looked like his father...

The first thing Harry wanted was to look at what the glamour had changed. He was in for a shock. He was shorter, not by much, but it was still a pain in the ass. His hair was still a mess but it was now a deep red like his mother's and his eyes now and even more piercing green. His skin had gone from pale from lack of sun to healthy ivory skin and a bunch of freckles dotting across the bridge of his nose and dusting his cheeks. "I look... Like my mom." He breathes. He shook the shock away and looked at the rest of him, faintly he could see the gold curling vines running up his arms again and behind him rustled two deep red wings that darkened as they reached the tips until they were black. They shuffled around behind him occasionally and he found with a simple thought he could move it. Satisfied with this he turns to Griphook with his intended business.
- - -

Griphook leaned back in his seat much like when Harry had first let him know everything. "Requesting his release may be difficult."

"Does it help to know he wasn't given a fair trial?" Harry asked uncertainly. Griphook's eyes flashed with what Harry guessed was annoyance but it wasn't directed at him.

"Yes actually because that is illegal. All beings are to have a fair trial. Versatalium used and all truths brought to light." The goblin said obviously disgusted in the wizards responsible for such an action. Not as disgusted as he was with Albus Dumbledore but close.

"Can you do it Griphook? Can you get him a trial at least? They'll see he's innocent once that happens." Harry begged.

"I can bring up the fact that Sirius was unfairly barred from his accounts and when the ministry claims it is just due to his imprisonment I will demand proof of his trial and when there is none they will be forced to hold one or risk me telling people of the injustice." Griphook explained.

"How soon can we do that?" Harry said eagerly.

"I can have the inquiry filed tonight as urgent. I will be sending you updates on it and your school vaults activity." Griphook explained. Harry considered something for a moment.

"Is owl mail safe?" Harry asked.

"Do you think he is monitoring your mail?"

"I think he is monitoring everything. He probably knows I'm here right now. Or did before the tracking spell got cut. He'll notice that. But I have plans to use my 'seer' abilities as an excuse."

"Then I'll give you this." Griphook handed him a parchment with a fancy blue border. "That is connected to a note book of mine. I shall send you updates that way."

"Excellent as ever Griphook." The goblin practically glowed at the compliment. "One last thing, are you able to teach me how shape-shifting works very quickly, I'd like to, at least, hide my inheritance from him." His wings ruffled behind him for good measure. Naturally Griphook complied willing to help the boy he'd met, befriended and now cherished as if he'd known him all his life, in one single day.
- - -

Petunia spotted Harry as he headed over to the shop and she noted his fingers looked normal, he bared his teeth to show her his teeth were normal as well, and he was missing the pretty wings she'd noticed her grown earlier. But his hair was still the same pretty red of his mother. "Griphook taught me." He explained before she could ask.

"He is a fine creature isn't he. Very helpful." Petunia said.

"A truer friend if there ever was one." Harry agreed. They stepped into the wand shop and was greeted by the clerk.

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